View Full Version : Fullness in Head and Funny Vision anyone?? HELP :(

23-09-10, 15:14
I seem to be constantly feeling a 'fullness' in my entire head the the moment, it feels like its full up with something, like its really fogged up or pressured with loads of air, its such a weird and annoying feeling, does ne1 else get this?? It makes me feel really spaced out and dizzy/off balance when i get it.. can any1 relate to this????

Also, i am constantly getting funny vision. My eyes cant seem to focus on things and if i look at something my eyes like automatically skip about its rly weird and really hard to explain!!! They also feel full up sometimes.

To be honest i am actually quite worried.. as ive hd my eyes tested and also seen a eye specialist at hospital (coz i get floaters too) and all normal, but my vision is constantly and i mean CONSTANTLY 'off' like i see things a second after ive looked at them and things go all dreamy looking :( I get tired very easily too... im just so fed up :(

Help!! :( xx

paula lynne
23-09-10, 15:38
Hi youre not alone. I call this my cotton wool head, feel blocked in head, feel faint, like falling, get it everyday to some degree. Worse a week before period. I woke up this morning complaining to my hubby I head a head full of wool again, yet HE was the one who drunk a bottle of red last night! so unfair...! I take co-codamol for it, but am trying to come off em, as its not a headache, its a "fog"? xxx:)

23-09-10, 19:41
Yes a fog, like its full up of something! and makes me feel very strange and off balance.. it feels full behind my eyes. cotton wools a good way of looking at it. is this anxiety? x

23-09-10, 20:42

I have this at the moment. its my worse anxiety symptom. I feel really weird and liteheaded and feel like my head is bunged up.

love mandie x

paula lynne
23-09-10, 20:52
Hi, yes apparently it is anxiety. Yet another thing we just got to put up with. Do you get it worse at certain times hun? x

24-09-10, 11:06
In the daytime when im busy doing things it will sudenly come on, and once its there it wont go for hours :( i hate it! havent got it today thank god, but itsd almost as if im waiting for it to happen. ive started taking my meds before bed now (starting from lastight) and i already feel better, so I think im guna continue it. I think the meds give me funny head as a side effect. the oinly thing bout taking them before bed is i get really strong vivid dreams, often nightmares, but i just try n tell myself thats all they are, just nightmares.