View Full Version : Alcohol

23-09-10, 16:16
I am considering having a glass of wine... at 4pm in the afternoon - is that bad? I thought it might lift my spirits as I feel so down and lonely right now.

If your reading this...sorry G.... but you really must not be reading this, I know your worried!

paula lynne
23-09-10, 16:31
Ambers...alcohol is a stimulant, as you know, so expect your anxiety to go up a bit! Its not fair I know, my anniversary yest, I had a glass of champers...and BOOM all the heart, vertigo, head stuff started. Hubby had a BOTTLE of red wine, and...felt great! well youve probably had it by now, its ok as long as you dont rely on it to lift your spirits, that was my BIG MISTAKE FOR YEARS!! haha...I know Im not your mother, you must do what you want as an adult, just be aware it can affect anxiety badly. Wow...I DO sound like your mother right now though dont I !! sorry hun xx:roflmao:

23-09-10, 16:33
As long as youre not waking up and going for a bottle I dont see a problem with the occasional glass. Just make sure you dont end up using it to medicate you.
When im feeling down I put on my jimjams and fluffy dressing gown, get in bed and have a huge bar of chocolate ALL to myself (yummy) and watch a romantic comedy :D

23-09-10, 16:45
Vixxy - Actually that sounds great, jusy need to get my three-year old to bed first! Right - tonight after dinner, glass of Rose and a romantic comedy!

Paula - thanks mum ;)

23-09-10, 22:42
hey , was just reading what you's were saying but do any of you's fear drinking? i have a fear right now of drinking like am going to dehydrate and die and its put me offf it ( which isnt a bad thing ) but i miss going out at weekends, any advise? xxx

23-09-10, 23:39
Hi hardtime-heather

i have a fear of drinking now. i keep thinking if i drink it will give me more anx and panic so i wont drink now.

While i was on my meds i wouldnt drink. i came off meds 6 months ago and now im scared to drink

mandie x

24-09-10, 08:56
I had half a glass of Rose and watched 'The Blind Side' a very enjoyable snug evening! Today I am taking my lovely child to the park..welly boots and all :) x

paula lynne
24-09-10, 09:36
oh Ambers have a lovely time in this lovely crisp air!! xxx:D

24-09-10, 15:57
Glad to hear you had a lovely evening :)

26-09-10, 17:59
I went through a phase of 2-3 where I essentially relied on alcohol to stop the panic attacks and I can tell you it is not healthy and won't make you better.

I was drinking about 20-30 units frequently when I went out though which is what I had to get rid of the symptoms completely, because I built up a really strong tolerance, and it started to make me ill physically.

Drinking one or 2 drinks now if you want won't hurt you and is fine.
Alcohol is not a stimulant. it is a depressant.

paula lynne
26-09-10, 18:01
alcohol IS A STIMULANT, thats how it works in the bloodstream. It BECOMES a depressant with long term use. x how are you Amber? xxxx