View Full Version : accutane (roaccutane) do i dont i ?

23-09-10, 16:57
Hi there

Im due to see a dermatologist in a fortnight to go on a course of this drug for acne.. I actually asked the doctor 2 months ago to be referred for this treatment as all the antibiotics i have tried have failed. I took this drug originally when in my teens and it worked wonders for my skin i cant remember if i suffered any side effects from it though. However im now 38 and as i sit here typing this i have a, well lets call it a thing on the side of my neck that is huge :mad: the size of my thumb. that has come and gone and back again over the last few months. as well as some cysts that come and go on my back. To me it means another weekend of not going out and if i do, wearing a roll neck jumper or scarf :lac:.
But this is my dilemma. About 7 weeks ago i went out for a drink :yesyes: work up in the morning feeling a bit dizzy (Hungover) i thought, however the dizzyness didnt go and after a couple of days started to have panic attacks. (i have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks on and of for 9 yrs or so) Various doctors later suspected inner ear infection more antibiotics and anti nausea tablets and the dizzyness went however my panic attacks didnt. So back on prozac again now (again have been on and of this for years as well) Its been a month now and the anxiety is still there but at least i havent had to take any valium in the last two days to combat the panic attacks.
So back to my dilemma Roaccutane or accutane as its now called can cause mood swings panic anxiety e.t.c. I hadnt had a panic attack for well over 1 year when i originally asked to be referred. But sods law ive had loads in the last month. Do i or dont i still risk going on this drug? or spend weeks of my life staying in as im to embarrased to go out :weep:
Sorry about the long post and well done to any of you who have read this far without falling asleep or dying of bordem :winks: any comment advice would be much appreciated

23-09-10, 19:24
hey I totally understand your concerns I went through the same dilemma. For me, it was a choice between putting up with acne or the worry over the nasty side effects it can potentially cause. I didn't go for it in the end because having health anxiety I knew that taking the drug would cause me much anxiety so I decided it wasn't worth it. I found a website acne.org which really helped me I suggest you take a look if you haven't already come across it. If after trying every thing else you are still having problems then it is going to be a decision of choosing the least of two evils and I don't think anyone can make that decision for you
Best wishes with whatever you choose

24-09-10, 13:58
Hi there

I have awful health anxiety and have done for 17 years now. I took Roaccutane at a really high dose last year for 12 weeks. Please feel free to private message me as id rather not discuss it all on here, as i would hate to put anyone off or encourage them to take such a powerful drug.
Take care xxx

24-09-10, 15:06
Hi Richie,

I too had that difficult choice to make 6 years ago. Mine was a bit different as I was suffering at the time from severe dermatitis/chelitis (constantly red, peeling sore lips) and as a last resort was prescribed accutane as the dermatologist felt this could help break the cycle.

After reading up on it, I decided not to take it for the same reasons as mentioned. My chelitis had been the cause of severe depression and anxiety and though I was desperate to cure it, I just couldn't take the chance that the drug would make my mental state worse. It was a hard decision to make. Thank God, I was lucky as my lips cleared up eventually.

As Vicky said, everyone is different though, and our experiences won't necessarily be the same as yours, or our choices either and I second vicky's advice on this hun.

keep us posted xxxx

24-09-10, 19:43
Many thanks for all your replies .(tracie am just about to send you a pm) The thing i reffered to on my neck is an abcess i have just been told by the chemist (As my temp doctor is useless) and that the three months of taken Erythromycin is the wrong anti biotic. and have now been put on flucloxacillin. Still have me derm appointment in two weeks though for my other acne. Your are probably right Dahlia and he wont give me the option to go on it, So if not ill give Trimpethroprim a go.
Also thanks to vicky and debs, i have looked up the website you mentioned and will give that a go to :-)
Will keep you all posted in the next two weeks

24-09-10, 21:52
Hey Richie
Have just sent you a message.

24-07-11, 22:08
i started taking roaccutane, 40mg daily, yesterday,
i read up on it before hand and was allready very vervous and unsure wheather to start treatment before.
i have had a lot of anxiety and headaches since yesterday,
im unsure wheather it is my worry about the drug or the drug itself that it causing this.
i would love to hear about any experiences people have had on this drug.
my acne is cystic but not as bad as some poor people get it.
i hope to hear from anyone soon.

24-07-11, 23:22
Hi Richie

I totally understand your dilemma, unfortunately only you can decide what to do. Do you think that you cannot remember whether you had side effects last time because you didn't have any? I would have thought that if you had them, you would remember:)

I was offered this drug from dermatologist at the hospital but after reading all the side effects and having to sign a form to say that the doc had told me about all the side effects, I decided not to take it. This was many many years ago though. Everyone who I spoke to told me that my acne wasn't THAT bad but I felt it was and was very conscious of it. I used lots of make up to cover it up:scared15::scared15:

Whether you take it or not, I wish you the best.
