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23-09-10, 17:48
Hello everyone, my name is Antoinette. I am very apprehensive about using chat rooms etc but I really find it helps to talk & especially when people are suffering with the same as myself hence I am here & hopefully be able to get some advice and support from other peoples experiences.
I am 26 yrs old now, but about 7yrs ago I lost my grandad to a heart attack :weep: and I have really struggled to overcome our loss as it was so sudden and I never got to say goodbye. Not immediately but a few months after we layed him to rest, I started to experience health anxiety's, I became very ill with it & lost alot of weight and I could not understand what was going on with me (my body). At the time I still lived at home with my parents & sister but I would find myself having bad panic attacks & I would convince myself I could not breathe and was going to die! always checking my pulse. I pleaded with my parents to take me to the hospital, with this becoming a regular occurance for quite a few months just to be told I was fine and it was anxiety but of course as much as I wanted to hear that it was nothing serious I did not believe there was nothing wrong with me. I have been very lucky to have had such supportive parents, sister, boyfriend & family around me but I did end up having to go for councelling. The councelling lasted for just under a year with various doctors but quite early on I was put on an anti-depressent drug called Sertraline. I did have to leave two jobs as a result of my panic attacks and became a hermit in my own home as I was to frightened to do anything incase I died. I even got to the point where I would not go to sleep incase I did not wake up! But I am still taking Sertraline everyday & have tried to come of it now as things have improved slightly and I have managed to stick to my job now for the last three yrs but coming of the anti depressents I have had no luck as my panic attacks seemed to come back shortly after. Although I have come to learn that what I have is a health anxiety & the Sertraline has helped with the dealing of the panic attack symptoms there is not a day that goes by I dont worry that I have something wrong with me and I am gonna die suddenly like my grandad did. I also worry about someone else in my family dying and how I would cope! I would very much appreciate some feedback and help with using this site.

Thank you. Annie x

23-09-10, 17:49
Hi annie4387

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Hazel B
23-09-10, 17:51
Hello, you are not alone. I understand health anxiety and bereavement and wanting to feel safe, I've had anxiety since April and am taking one day at a time. x

23-09-10, 17:57
Hello Hazel, Thank you for your reply. I totally agree with you taking one step at a time is a positive move. I have taken 2 step forwards & 5 back recently but hopefully I will be able to get through it and get back on track, I was doing so well then one saturday morning I woke up to a panic attack and it has made me feel like I am back where I started. x

Fly away Katie
23-09-10, 17:59
welcome to nmp x x x

Hazel B
23-09-10, 18:03
You will get there, it sometimes feels never ending but it will pass. I'm seeing my counsellor tonight, I find it helpful to talk it out as I've kept things in for years.
Take care x

23-09-10, 18:04
Hello Katie, Thank you for your message! xx

23-09-10, 18:05
Yes hopefully I have to stay positive! I hope your councelling session is helpful. take care x

paula lynne
23-09-10, 18:27
Hi and welcome annie :welcome:Im Paula, had anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia for ten years. You are not alone x Youll get lots of support on this amazing site x

23-09-10, 18:59
Hello Paula, thank you for the welcome. It is comforting to know that I am not alone! At the moment I feel like I am stuck in a bit of a viscous circle, it only takes the littlest thing like a chest infection or a cold and I think I have something more serious. I keep experiencing pulpitations but I am worrying myself sick why?? I am relatively "healthy" (she quotes - if I thought that I would maybe not be getting the panic attacks) and have age on my side but I cant seem to get rid of them. I have researched all the anxiety symptoms but it still does not make me feel reassured thats all it is. xx

Hazel B
23-09-10, 21:17
We all know rationally inside it's anxiety but our minds churn on and on and on about illness, it's a cycle. I'm working to break mine and the counselling does help, thanks.
Don't give up, you have the strength to cope. x

29-09-10, 16:03
I am currently taking Sertraline and have been advised to try and come off them, as I have been on them atleast 6yrs! & I am only 26yrs old.I have tried to come of them before it lasted for about 6 months until it all my health worries started to re-appear, so I am very apprehensive about coming off them. Can anyone advise me of how I can try & come of them?! I have had councelling & am due to go back for a check up with the doctor that originally put me onto the sertraline - in the nxt few weeks, however I am very reluctant to go & see him (not him personally) as previously I have seen not only him but various other doctors & feel that everytime I go all we seem to do is going over the same things & I don't feel that I am getting any further really!? and coming off the tablets is making me very uneasy. stuck in a rut really!! Plus me & my partner are trying for a baby and ideally I would like to come of them when the time comes, but im frightened I might not be able to come off them & would not want to harm the baby?? Is it ok to take anti-depressents whilst you are pregnant?? (not that I am yet - but hopefully) Thank you. :)