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23-09-10, 21:15
hi everyone im sophie and im 24 years old. i have suffered panic attacks for about 5 years. at first it was just anxiety of lifts and i didnt have attacks and just avoided them! until i went to new york and i obviously had to go in lifts nearly everywhere i went, my first panic was in the back of a yellow cab with the traffic and buildings around i felt like i could'nt breathe. when i got back i could'nt even get onto a bus without panicking i suffered a few weeks then it gradually got better until i didnt have any at all, until 2009 when i was pregnant it was the same again gettin on buses when there was loads of people or traffic i would panic and have to get off, after id had my son seems like i forgot about them...

until recentley same experience i went to london where i had to use lifts and was on a coach trip which took 8 hours, on the way i was fine but while i was there i wouldnt get in any of the lifts went on the tube for one stop and was just literally feeling panicky every where i went, on the bus back i had a massive attack and wanted to get off on the motorway!! it really shook me up cos id neva had one like that. since been back at home iv been worse i cant get on a bus without the window been open and yet i still panic if theres a lot of traffic or people on its even come to the point where i will refuse to get on one. i just want to feel normal again its even started to happen in cars i panic unless i can open a window! and its comeing up to winter and people will not want windows open when its freezing!! i went to my doctor about this and they didnt take me seriously she said go back if its affecting my life even though i told her it was as i wouldnt get on public transport when i need to as i dont drive!! i have started taking kalms just this week so hopefully that will keep my anxiety down a bit!!

thanx for reading me long life story haha:)

23-09-10, 21:16
Hi sophs

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
23-09-10, 21:19
Hi sophie and a huge welcome to you!:welcome::welcome:you are not alone, and this great site will provide you with lots of help and support.xx great to meet you. xx:bighug1:

23-09-10, 22:00
hi paula thanx for your reply, im hoping i can beat this fear of public transport and anxiety esp when i have my son to think about i dont want to let him down by being the mam that wont do anything or go anywhere x

paula lynne
23-09-10, 22:04
Good positive attitude sophie! try reading all the threads on the left about panic and anxiety, a goo place to start hun. Lots of things at the online shop may be of help to you, books, oils, candles, rescue remedy etc .xxx:)

23-09-10, 22:27
Welcome to no more panic sophie xx

23-09-10, 22:52
hey sophie , you'll have great help here , i had the same issue as you but i over come it with a life coach you should have a look into it or hypnotisation works wonders , all the best xx

Vanilla Sky
24-09-10, 21:27
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x