View Full Version : Hi everyone

23-09-10, 21:35
Hi my name is Chris suffer anxiety depression:weep:

23-09-10, 21:36
Hi ChrisBaker

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
23-09-10, 21:38
Hi chris and welcome X:welcome: would you tell us a bit about yourself? x

23-09-10, 21:54
Hi Paula have been suffering anxiety depression now 4 7 months, its a nightmare it feels like a disease, dizziness balance probs, it took ages to get on here, so tired be off to bed soon. Will post more tommorow. Thanks 4 saying hello x

23-09-10, 21:56
Hi chris welcome to nmp. X

23-09-10, 21:57
hey chris , welcome to the forum. hope it helps you on the road to recovery, need to chat we're all here to listen

all the best x

23-09-10, 21:59
Thanks sammi x

23-09-10, 22:14
Your welcome hope the forum helps you x

Hazel B
24-09-10, 12:06
You are not alone, welcome.

24-09-10, 12:37

I've been suffering from anxiety at varying levels for the past 15 years. My first bad episode happened when I was diagnosed with diabetes. I thought it was a one off, but it happened again and over the past 3 years it has begun to seriously affect my life. I focus on how I'm feeling for most of the day, and spend hours researching the subject to try to find an answer. I've been prescribed with Cipralex and having been taking 10mg daily for the last 3 weeks. I'm also seeing a counsellor once a fortnight. I'm just looking for some reassurance that this will get better.


paula lynne
24-09-10, 13:01
Hi Chris, how are you today? what have you tried for your anxiety, and do you think there was a trigger? x

24-09-10, 13:50
Hi paula 7 months ago I had a bleed it was coming up into my throat never been so scared. I had to stay in hospital, had camera up nose down throat. I then had 1 put down into my stomach. Later they said it was thrush. 4 week later had dizzy turn panic attack. Since then i keep thinking I am going to die dizzy spells dodgy balance and my head feels strange. I keep thinking cancer or liver problems etc am on citalopram. Do you suffer anxiety? x

24-09-10, 14:04
Hi megmillan it will get better. I had anxiety ocd probs 10 years ago, it cost me wife daughter home job i still got over the illness. 6 Years later got married again and was happy. Bang 7 months ago ill again its not the same as last time. It just takes time good luck now. x

paula lynne
24-09-10, 14:06
Yes i do chris, ten year of panic anxiety and agoraphobia, I dont have any meds thought, just for bp and cholesterol. Do you feel the your meds are helping, and do you have support from family and friends? x

24-09-10, 14:30
10 years sorry to hear that.I forgot Paula am on lisinopril 4 bp and no meds are not helping. Have support from my wife. My dad is 90 as for friends do not see many these days which is a shame. Have a cat called Aston who is stopping me from using the hoover. He is scared of it. Its raining he is asleep. x

Fly away Katie
24-09-10, 15:36
Hello and welcome to the forum x x x:hugs:

24-09-10, 16:37
Cool Katie thanks for that x

24-09-10, 16:45
Paula I did have agoraphobia 10 years ago. It was ocd anxiety then it was so bad I would not even leave bedroom so I know how bad that is. x

24-09-10, 19:06
Hi Chris
I'm new here too and suffer from panic attacks and increased anxiety in public places. Hope you find the forums supportive/reassuring :)

24-09-10, 19:27
Thanks Anabell panic attacks omg I have only had 3 big ones they frighten the living daylights out of you. I was so scared once went to A&E i had no idea of what it was am 46 never had 1 before. x

paula lynne
24-09-10, 19:48
Chris, I also went to hospital several times, before accepting it was panic and anxiety. Kept thinking I had some awful disease or virus and no-one would tell me the truth. Its terrible howit takes over your life. Luckily Ive got the most amazing huuby, dont know where Id be without him.
Everytime I get a panic now, its still a struggle NOT to tell him "TAKE ME TO HOSPITAL...I REALLY AM DYING THIS TIME"...gosh its hard, I understand where you are coming from. Lots of people here understand what your going through, and feel free to vent, moan, and talk about the ups and downs of your journey...we just got to face one day at a time...little steps still mean we will get to our destination eventually! xxx:)

25-09-10, 09:40
Thanks Paula yes it is a struggle and I have done the same things as you. You become ultra sensitive every little pain or creak and its this is it this time. My wife Trudi has been fantastic, love her so much. She says if I accept that it is anxiety nerves I will get better. Its still raining here in Norfolk xxx:shades:

Fly away Katie
25-09-10, 09:44
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

25-09-10, 10:10
Thanks again Katie. Its saturday, football I don't even no who my team are playing. I will have to check it out. x