View Full Version : Panic Attacks and Caffeine

24-09-10, 09:31
I had panic disorder for many years. Panic attacks were brought on by any social situations, talking on the phone, traffic jams, supermarket queues, people standing in a doorway or corridor blocking my 'escape' route. They improved DRAMATICALLY when I gave up all traces of caffeine including decaf tea and coffee and chocolate. Coming off caffeine was extremely hard, like coming off a hard drug. I also found very helpful the combination of propranolol and valium. I still use them about twice a week in social situations like restaurants, pubs, cinemas.

24-09-10, 12:30
Thanks for this post tiggerbj.

I very much suspect that coffee in particular makes my anxiety worse so I am steering clear from it and trying camomile tea.

I am really gonna struggle cutting it completely as my treat is a cup of tea and a bar of choc so I will try it bit by bit I think!xx

Hazel B
24-09-10, 12:57
Hi T! I've also given up caffeine, fags and chocolate and hope this helps my anxiety. I have been on Propranolol for 3 weeks but hope that's temporary.
I miss coffee the most!

24-09-10, 15:25
i find twinnings green tea(plain) really relaxes me, i gave up fags 6 mponths ago also, try the green tea especially in the evenings.

24-09-10, 20:21
I gave up smoking 3yrs ago and stopped any type of stimulant like caffeine not convinced its made a difference,my gp told me that if i still smoked that my anxiety and panic may not be as bad as the carbon monoxide i would be inhaling should help, can anybody confirm this?

25-09-10, 11:20
Thanks for the post. I am a newbie with these episodes, so I stopped smoking straight away, and I gave up Diet Coke, both my fave things!! :wacko: I don't drink coffee, tea is now decaff and I have bought some Camomile Tea as well. Doing everything I can!

paula lynne
25-09-10, 11:24
Hi olderfella
I cant quite believe your gp was in effect, advocating smoking to help panic! It IS an imbalance of carbon dioxide and oxygen, but this is remedied by re-breathing into a paper bag! well done on quitting, I wish I could. xx

Fly away Katie
25-09-10, 12:59
I have to have De-Caff tea and Coffee nowerdays... they induced SO many panic attacks x x x

Hazel B
25-09-10, 13:11
Olderfella - there is no good reason for smoking, stay away from fags! I can't believe a GP would say that! As PL says, the paper bag trick is good.

25-09-10, 15:40
Hi guys my gp didnt tell me to start smoking again and she gave me a paper bag,but she did actualy say that if i was still smoking that my panic and anxiety may not be so bad due to the carbon monoxide i would be inhaling,I havent started smoking again and wont but there has been times when i have wanted to test the theory

Hazel B
25-09-10, 15:44
Hey, there have been times when I have convinced myself that all my health and anxiety problems started when I quit fags, but I know that's just a daft thought and a coincidence.
I stopped in May after 20 years and wish I'd stopped sooner, there are some days I have to stop myself going and buying some but I won't. Don't give in, you've done well to stop! Let's crack the anxiety next!

25-09-10, 18:34
,I havent started smoking again and wont but there has been times when i have wanted to test the theory

I know the feeling. :wacko: I stopped 6 weeks ago (when the anxiety attacks started), after smoking on and off, but mostly on...for the past 20 years. I am so glad I have stopped, I know nicotine is a stimulant so the thought of any stimulant just puts me right off.

25-09-10, 19:26
Thanks Tiggerbj, Well done on making all the changes that made the difference for you. I agree with the coffee especially the rocket fuel they give you when out and about. I ordered one without thinking on an already nervous trip. Big mistake, next time it will be a mineral water for me.

My experience of smoking is that it is bad for anx yet i still do it. If i am going to be doing something challenging i wont smoke till after so i must know that it has an adverse effect on me. My friends joke they know when i am feeling ok because i will be smoking. Its great that so many have stopped & i am the only one left in my circle that still does it :(

Hi Olderfella. No medical experience but Doc was prob pointing out that smoking must alter the balance of body gases. If interested take a look at some hyperventilating or overbreathing articles. There will be a better explanation of the chemistry than i can give but overbreathing can be a subtle unnoticed thing. Its another avenue to explore but some books say if we get used to Carbon dioxide levels set too low from overbreathing it can effect body functions including anxiety. Nose breathing & Buteyko technique books etc might be of interest.

26-09-10, 18:39
Hi All
I gave up smoking fags and other stuff 6 weeks ago in the hope that my panic attacks and anxiety would calm down, they havent calmed down as yet and i have been taking 20mg fluxotine for 5 weeks and valium for the bad days like today. I bumped into a friend the other days and she was saying that she had been having a lot of anxiety and had cut out caffeine completely and felt much better. So it is next on my list of things to cut out...
Although i miss smoking still i wouldnt go back to it and i was told that it actually increases your anxiety because as soon as you finish your cigarette you body starts to crave for more nicotine and thus your anxiety increases untill you have another one.