View Full Version : has any1 else had or have this problem??

24-09-10, 10:42
hello all, ive been on cipralex for my 4th month now, and just recently ive been waking up after a full night sleep with my teeth clenched tight shut and in so much pain in my temples and head from doin this un aware,,, im fed up with it as i wake with a bloody headache every day. and my teeth have broken because of it... how can i stop this??? i do relaxation in my face before i go to sleep yet wake up really tense. i dont know if its because ive been forgetting to take my tablet till about 9 at night instead of 12 in the day and if this has had an effect?????? fed up having to take a bloody paracetamol every morning to ease the pain.. some advice would help me alot please if any 1 else has/ is suffering the same. many thanks

take care lisa x

paula lynne
24-09-10, 11:00
Hi can t comment on cipralex but, just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and send warm wishes to you xxx:hugs:

24-09-10, 11:51
Jaw clenching is a side effect of taking ssris .It can be rectified by wearing a mouthguard .Your dentist can make you one .Alternatively speak to your Dr about it and he can refer you to the orthadontic dept at the hospital .Best wishes Sue x