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24-09-10, 11:25
Hi everyone my name is Bell and I just wanted to say hello & thank you for the reassurance I've already got from this site!

I'm 36 and first started having panic attacks after the birth of my 2nd child six years ago. I was terrified and quickly got to the point where I hated being without my husband or mum with me and was beginning to feel agoraphobic. After a handful of trips to A&E convinced I was dying, my doctor gave me Effexor which I was on for 4 years.

I came off Effexor myself once I found how addictive it was for me and how bad many of the side-effects were with electric buzzing in my head, insomnia and some very bad bouts of depression. Once I had come off Effexor I had 18 months with no real anxiety. However about a year ago my mum was admitted to a nursing home suffering from Alzheimers and my dad became very ill through alcoholism. This was really stressful and the panic began to return. My dad died suddenly on Boxing Day and my mum died in June - so it's been a tough year. The result has been a real increase in my panic levels to far worse than they were before.

After a few trips to A&E with what was panic I was also found to have gall stones and diabetes type 2. The diagnosis of these combined with my anxiety seems to have turned me into a hypochondriac and now I find it hard to accept that I may have something like a common cold - I panic and assume it's a symptom of something much more serious. My doctor isn't very understanding at all and wants to just manage me by offering Effexor again but I'm very frightened of going back on it.

I've been reading this site for a few weeks and it has helped me so much - I've managed to log on when feeling like I'm about to die and you have stopped me feeling so alone. My husband is very understanding and I'm very lucky because he sat with me last night until 3 a.m. talking me down from a serious attack where I was certain there was no oxygen reaching my body and that I was going to die and not see my children grow up.

Sorry this is a bit of a long introduction but hello!

24-09-10, 11:26
Hi Anabell

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-09-10, 11:37
Hello bell and welcome to nmp. So sorry to hear about your mum and dad hope this site helps you xxx

24-09-10, 11:43
Thanks Sammi - it's been a huge help to come here and not feel alone.

Hazel B
24-09-10, 12:37
Hello and welcome. You are not alone. My story is that I have had bereavements, family illness, job loss and my own health scare in the past 3 years. After many tests for pain since April, I was finally diagnosed with a gallstone (aren't they painful!) - in the meantime I imagined the worst. I lost weight, worried and fretted to the point where my pulse was racing and I could not sleep. My GP gave me Citalopram at first but they made me worse so I have beta blockers now. I hate taking meds but could not help myself. I am on week 3 of sick leave and just want to be normal again. I'm seeing a counsellor, walking every day and trying to eat well.

The NHS are brill, but so slow, am still waiting to know when they will remove my gallbladder.

This site is such a comfort, you have come to the right place.

paula lynne
24-09-10, 13:04
Hi Bell, welcome hunny :welcome:like you, my problems began after the birth of my second child, 10 years ago. You'll get lots of help and support here, you are not alone x:winks:

24-09-10, 14:07
Hi Hazel - thanks so much for your message, it really helps to speak to others in the same boat. I know how you feel about medication, I'm asthmatic so I can't take beta blockers but if they're helping you then I'm really glad. I've been losing weight to make the gallstone op as easy as possible but have to return beginning of November to see if they have a date for my op.

Thanks again for your welcome :)

24-09-10, 14:09
Thanks for the welcome Paula Lynne - the site has already helped me in so many ways but it's knowing there are others out there that helps the most. It's reassuring to read other people's experiences! Thanks x

paula lynne
24-09-10, 14:12
Youre welcome Annabell, we are a friendly bunch ! Im hoping you'll find insight here, to help yourself, after 10 years of doctors, hospitals, tests...goodness...this place really empowers you to want to help yourself, which is where the healing begins. xxx:bighug1:

24-09-10, 14:15
Your very welcome x

Hazel B
24-09-10, 14:31
No worries, I'm hoping the beta blockers are temporary as I'm scared I'll get to rely on them and not learn how to calm down.
I can't help but lose weight with the gallstone, if I eat fat the pain is awful, I'd rather have my wisdom teeth out again! I've lost almost 2 stones, I was overweight but would not wish the pain/anxiety diet on anyone!

I'm wondering if the pain interrupts my sleep but it's probably anxiety as well. I'm not scared at all about the op or hospitals, it's the unknown fear in my head that eats away, telling me it's terminal etc, we all know the feeling. I have to be rational and tell myself that it was brought on by not grieving fully and I must be kind to myself, this support site is a real comfort as it helps know you're not going mad!

Fly away Katie
24-09-10, 15:36
Hello and welcome to the forum x x :welcome:

24-09-10, 18:56
Hi Fly away Katie - thanks so much for the welcome :)

24-09-10, 18:58
Oh Hazel that sounds awful - my gallstone pain hasn't been too bad really so I was surprised that I had a bunch of them in there *eek* but yeah I've lost weight by not eating my favourite thing - cheese because it set them off :(

Hopefully we'll work our way through the physical and the panic.

Hazel B
24-09-10, 19:06
You must have read my mind! I love cheese and haven't had any for months! I buy low fat "Philly" but it's no substitute!

I'm right with you on both counts, no appointment for my gallstone yet but I'm fighting the anxiety. Once I accepted that the bereavement and stress was the problem, I felt such relief and a desire to get well.

Take care x

24-09-10, 19:10
I think it's the acceptance of the grief hitting me that I need to remind myself of. I seem to bottle things up without realising I'm doing it and now the effect of losing both my parents so close together is starting to show.

I found the gallstones really worrying at times because my mind runs into thinking it's affecting my liver etc when I know if I get pain then it's because I've eaten something to trigger it! Cheese was always my treat - oops lol. x