View Full Version : Does life get better

24-09-10, 11:37
Hey everyone, ive been suffering with panic and anxiety since November last year, it started with a severe bout of dizzyness, it was so severe that i gave up a college course, i was dizzy 24/7, i was back and forth to doctors, i was told it was labrythitus, silent migrains, inner ear infection, Anyway with being so badly dizzy this frightened me and brought on the panic and anxiety attacks, i must admit the dizzyness isnt as bad now but i am left with the panic and anxiety, i now on antidepressants as i am so down, i hate going out on my own incase anything happens to me, ive got 2 young kids ages 3 and nearly 6, this is limiting my life sooo much, i hate it, i want to get over this and lead a normal life, i went back to my doctors 3 weeks ago and hes doubled my antidepressants and refered me to the practice councillor, i am waiting to hear back about an appointment, what i would like to know is, Can i get over this? does life get better? i just feel i am only 28 is that what the rest of my lifes to be like? any advice is very much welcome :hugs:

margaret jones
24-09-10, 12:19
Hi miss d welcome to NMP sorry you are feeling poorly at this time this is a fantastic site and there are lots of people who are on this site who will help you the articles on the left are a must to read . take care x

Hazel B
24-09-10, 12:21
Hi there, I know many people who have got through depression and are now OK, it can take time and courage. I have anxiety myself and try to tell myself it will pass.

paula lynne
24-09-10, 13:09
Hi miss d and a big welcome :welcome::welcome:lots of people, including me, suffer the same symptoms as you love. Dont worry, you are not alone in this. Reading the headings on panic and anxiety on the left is a good place to start. Also, the online shop offers candles, books, bach rescue remedy etc if youre interested. So glad to know you xx

24-09-10, 13:24
Thanks everyone :)