View Full Version : anyones panic/anxiety started because of vertigo?

24-09-10, 12:08
would be interested to speak to anyone if they have ben through the above?:hugs:

24-09-10, 13:07
Hi, Yes, that is how mine started and mainly still is.

paula lynne
24-09-10, 13:10
Hi hun, the vertigo came about the same time. I suffer with vertigo every day, but only have bad panic attacks once in a while now. How are you managing at the moment? x

24-09-10, 13:15
Hi, Don't think I have vertigo, vertigo is spinning? mine is general light headed and detached feelings.

24-09-10, 13:23
i am not managing at all :( i am really struggling, i do have good and bad days but i wish it would just go away, the dizzyness isnt as bad but its still here and worsens when i have terrible anxiety and panic attacks, i am waiting to be seen by a councilor at my doctors, how do you manage?

paula lynne
24-09-10, 13:26
miss d. its a hard struggle isnt it! I usually have my trust paper bag, to re-breathe. Even sitting down, or on the bed, it persists. Worse before a period. I would say, I accept its part of my anxiety and panic, so I dont worry so much that Im going mad, or have some awful disease etc. Sometimes....we just have to accept it, very hard I know. xxx:hugs:

24-09-10, 13:27
exactly how mine started in may a few cases of vertigo then wham 2 weeks later full blown panic attacks anxiety etc, scans tests etc all clear, but still left with tinitus light headidness vertigo and worst for me horrible flickery vision and have small children also, it is horrible i wish it would go as quick as it came!! x

24-09-10, 14:52
WOW Thanks, glad i am not the only one, and yeah i have to agree the time of the month makes it worse, i got the implant put in to see if that helps and its slightly taking the edge of it, i just avoid taking the kids out on my own now, i like the security of my own home, god knows how but ive been taking driving lessons since may and my test is in november, hoping that helps having the car and going out with the kids x