View Full Version : menopause

04-03-06, 23:07
hey everyone,
this is not really related to panic or anxiety, so i hope you don't mind me posting about it.
my mum is about to go into the menopause - she keeps getting hot flushes - and she's asked me to find out if there are any herbal remedies or supplements she can take to help.
i just don't even know where to start researching this - if anyone can give me any helpful hints, i'd really appreciate it.
nicola, i hope you don't mind me posting about this here,
henri x

04-03-06, 23:17
Those flushes are entirely normal !

wild yam cream

Black Cohosh


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

05-03-06, 12:28
that's great, thanks meg!
henri x

05-03-06, 13:41
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">nicola, i hope you don't mind me posting about this here,
henri x

<div align="right">Originally posted by henri - 04 March 2006 : 23:07:16</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Not atall

We have some other members who are going through the menopause so it will help them too.


05-03-06, 14:10
Well I am not quite sure how this helps but I really like taking Dr Udo's oil (full of omegas) which you buy at the health food shop (I am more in the way of being pre menopausal though).

I have only just started on it again after a years gap cos I sort of let it slide. Initially when I was humming and haa-ing at the counter years ago this staff nurse joined me with 3 large bottles of it, saying that she could never get through her menopause without it and then the lad behind the counter said he took it for his acne.

I am not at all sure how it works but I can definately vouch for the balancing of your skin, as mine always looks very glowy after about a month of taking it. A nutrionist also told me it was fab stuff.

Maybe Meg would know why taking such a good balance of oils like this would help during the menopause.

Piglet xxx

05-03-06, 15:44
Quicker to link to horses mouth.


Love Meg xx

05-03-06, 16:21
Hi there,
As Meg has suggested Black Cohosh, i used it for a few years and it helped me enormously with hot flushes, i have stopped using it now, as i think i am done and dusted!!!!! Be patient with her, lots of love and cuddles, although you will be doing that anyway, accept any changes in her, make sure she eats healthily, plently of help and patience. take care xxxxx

05-03-06, 18:42
Thanks for the link Meg - it's funny I bought it at the time for healthy balance and didn't know anything about the skin thing, so not knowing this I can certainly vouch for it because it was so unexpected.

Worth the expense for that alone.:D

Piglet xx

06-03-06, 19:23
One of the easiest ways of getting all the "herbals" in the right dose is to buy the Menopace tablets which are one a day, available from the supermarkets www.menopace.com I am finding them wonderful, mind you I am a PA sufferer, but that aside!
It can be a daunting job trying to work out what it is you require, but include a soya+ linseed bread, substitue soya mince in with ordinary mince about one third soya, you will not notice it, and keep eating healthily, keep active and accept that the body is changing, but sometimes it happens in very strange ways, hot flushes are not so bad in the winter, I could heat the whole house up! - I joke but that is what it felt like to me. Good luck to your mother, I hope it is a quick process for her.:)

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.