View Full Version : Overwhelmed and needing support

24-09-10, 14:45
I've been suffering from anxiety at varying levels for the past 15 years. My first bad episode happened when I was diagnosed with diabetes. I thought it was a one off, but it happened again and over the past 3 years it has begun to seriously affect my life. I focus on how I'm feeling for most of the day, and spend hours researching the subject to try to find an answer. I've been prescribed with Cipralex and having been taking 10mg daily for the last 3 weeks. I'm also seeing a counsellor once a fortnight. My problem is that when I'm feeling like this I focus on food - from the moment I get up in the morning, I dread eating and spend the day thinking about how I'm going to eat my lunch, dinner etc. It's ridiculous, as when I am 'well', I love my food. The irony is that I have to eat to keep my blood sugars level, but this pressure just makes me worse.
I have a good job, a wonderful husband (who doesn't undertand why I'm like this) and a beautiful little son. I feel like I'm throwing away the best years of my life.
I'm just looking for some reassurance that this will get better.
Please help.


24-09-10, 14:47
Hi Megmillan

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-09-10, 14:56
Hi Megmillan,

I'm sorry you are feeling rough at the moment. I can empathise as I too have had anxiety/panic on and off for 6 years triggered by a health problem at the time. I'm also nearly 3 weeks into Cipralex again, and have seen my anxiety worsen. Often though we feel worse before better on Cip (I remember the first time I was put on it I did)

I was wondering about your food issues....is it related to side effects from the Cipralex, eg, nausea,loss of appetite, that you are feeling this way, or something seperate? I have experienced disinterest in food since I started the Cipralex again (10mg daily too) It may also be related to your anxiety as our appetites can go off when we are feeling stressed.

I truly hope the meds start helping you and it is great you are having counselling as to be able to chat away from friends and family can be really helpful. Please keep in you mind this is a glitch and you WILL feel better again.

Best wishes and thoughts.xxx

Fly away Katie
24-09-10, 15:35
Hello and welcome to the forum x x x

24-09-10, 15:43
Thanks for replying Debs and Katie.
I don't think it's the medication, it's just my default setting when I'm anxious. It has happened before when I haven't been on medication. The eating then becomes the source of the anxiety and the circle continues.
I just wish it would go away.

24-09-10, 16:02
I really feel for you Meg,

It's hard as in the back of your mind must also be the fact that you need to eat something to maintain your sugars, which then creates further anxiety for you. Have you discussed this with either your doctor or diabetic nurse/dietician? Do you find your counsellor helps you with this at all?

I'm sure that this will get better for you hun.x

24-09-10, 19:17
Hi Megmillan - I've been suffering greater anxiety since my diabetes was diagnosed in February. I kept being certain that I was having a hypo and that the panic attack symptoms were actually my blood sugar plummeting. I can understand the worry over food especially if you don't have any appetite. I've tried to manage my panic over food by snacking on dates, dried apricots and seeds which seem to give me fuel but not overburden me with food.
Good to hear you have a supportive husband - mine is too but I also worry that my children aren't getting the best from me whilst I'm so wrapped up in my condition. Hope you find reassurance here on the forum x