View Full Version : Howdy

24-09-10, 15:12
Hi all,

Stumbled across this forum via the wonders of Google, and want to start by saying thanks, been a very interesting read so far.

I'm a 29 year old male and for some time have been having stomach problems (feeling bloated, loud rumbling, frequent nausea) and have narrowed it down to nerves, seeing as it's always triggered by some big event, for example - having to drive a long distance (i spend have the journey in motorway service stations) or things i'm excited about (good example being i'm off on a stag do tomorrow, and i'm going through all the what if scenarios - heart's going nine times to the dozen, and i'm in and out the work loo like a, well - someone who uses the loo a lot).

It's been within the past year i've developed the majority of symptoms listed on this site (mood swings - dizzyness - negative thoughts - heart rate - startling easy and generally being a grumpy sod when i'm normally upbeat) so think it may be anxiety - despite my doctors frequent attempts to tell me nothings wrong. I was off work on Monday because i felt so sick and dizzy in the morning, i had to lay in the hallway for 1/2 an hour.

Getting pretty fed up with the whole thing to be honest - i eat well -plenty of fruit and veg. Possibly don't exercise as much as i should, but am slim.

Anyways - that about sums me up at the moment. Looking forward to getting my life back (and not feel so sick in the mornings i have to skip breakfast :D)!

Cheers all,


24-09-10, 15:14
Hi Guinness

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Hazel B
24-09-10, 15:15
Welcome, you are not alone.

Fly away Katie
24-09-10, 15:32
Hello and welcome to the forum x x

24-09-10, 16:55
Welcome Guinness. Sounds like anxiety mate.:welcome:

24-09-10, 19:03
Hi Guinness - hope you find some comfort and reassurance here. I'm a newbie too and my anxiety over attending events sends me into panic but fortunately I don't get nausea. All the best, Bell x

Vanilla Sky
24-09-10, 21:23
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
25-09-10, 08:17
Hi Ian and welcome :welcome:youre not alone in this. Good to have you aboard the good ship nmp! x

25-09-10, 08:24
Hello and welcome Ian,

I only joined here yesterday and found it a great help just finding this place and reading other peoples experiences knowing that its not just me being over paranoid, Its good to read how others cope and combat this complaint.

hope you feeling like yourself soon


25-09-10, 08:29
Hi Guinness and welcome :)

You have the best nickname I have seen so far btw ;)

28-09-10, 13:04
Thanks for all the welcome messages - was away for the weekend so only just got them. Managed to drive 100 miles on Friday without my stomach going ballistic and having to stop at every service station which was nice. I took a Buscopan which seems to help (it's an anti spasmodic for your stomach).

I discussed the possibility of anxiety with my better half and she was very understanding which was nice - I have to sort out a new GP as i've just moved house, but gonna have a talk and see what they say. Other than that - gonna try and stay positive - focus on the good, not the bad, see how things go.

And cheers Jaco - can't beat a drop of the black stuff :D

Hazel B
28-09-10, 13:11
Well done on the driving!
It is definitely worth talking to a GP about how you feel, they can help. There are many ways to deal with anxiety - your positive attitude will help!

28-09-10, 16:22
Hi Guinness...thanks for posting such an encouraging message on my thread.
Welcome to the site from one newbie to another :)
I hope your future mum-in-law is doing ok. please pass on my best wishes and encouragement (from a fellow breast cancer survivor).
This is definitely a very supportive and friendly place to be right now :)