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View Full Version : feeling really rough today and after some reassurance :)

24-09-10, 17:38
Hi, I don't usually post about how I'm feeling, but today, my HA has kicked in really badly.
I have an undiagnosed neck issue, muscular that traps nerves, had it 4 months, MRIs MRAs CT scans xrays etc all normal.
This kicked off my health anxiety 4 months ago, but I've been on citalopram now for 4 weeks 10mg, and been taking 5mg diazapam a day for probably 3 weeks now.
Today, I woke up with a hot sickly tingling sensation all over, especially in the head neck arms and chest. My head is hurting, probably due to the neck problem and have a really dry feeling at the back of my throat. I'm nervous and on edge, didn't want to take a diazapam today, but have ended up giving in. Feeling a bit weak too :( Anyway, just needed to get it off my chest so to speak. Thanks to anyone that reads and/or responds :)

Hazel B
24-09-10, 17:48
Hi, I am sure it's all related to anxiety. Have you considered counselling to help you talk it out?
I have HA after a few years of bereavement, car accident, family illness and my own health scare. I have a gallstone but it took 5 months to diagnose and after every test I got more scared. I'm now on beta-blockers, had temporary Diazepam and having counselling. I know meds will not be permanent but they helped me when anxiety ground me to a halt.
It seems you have had many tests, all negative - that's good news. Have you looked at the health anxiety section on the left? I'm not being patronising, it helped me when I thought I was going mad. Anxiety can give you all sorts of pain and symptoms too, take care.

24-09-10, 17:57
thanks for the reply Hazel, I've read the anxiety post and understand it, and to be honest, most of the time my HA is not a problem and I just get on with it, I guess today, waking up feeling that way and it staying all day caused a blip and I'm feeling the HA kick in again. I am on a waiting list for CBT, but no idea how long it will take, haven't had an appointment date yet. Have been given a referral to an online CBT course so will try that. I hate days like this, I'm usually one of the more positive people these days, thanks again :)

Hazel B
24-09-10, 18:03
Hey, no worries, I know how it feels. We will have days where it seems like a set back, but you can cope, you've coped before and you will again. It's our minds playing tricks on us.
Look at the online CBT stuff whilst you wait for face to face, you have nothing to lose.
By the way, I'm always worse in the mornings, I hate getting up and since my anxiety started it's horrid. I'm fine at night and just tell myself, time will pass, evening will come. I'm on week 3 of sick leave and trying really hard to get over this anxiety, it can be a nightmare.

24-09-10, 18:18
yeah, this is the first time in about 3 months that I've felt bad in the morning, so it caught me by surprise I guess and then the HA kicks in lol, I hope one day they can diagnose HA or any anxiety with a blood test or something, then we probably wouldn't get it ever again. The hardest part of anxiety, is that it's diagnosed after everything else is ruled out. Thanks for the chat, feeling a little better already :)

Hazel B
24-09-10, 18:46
I'm glad to have helped, it's a great site, I honestly thought I was going mad before I found it. I read about anxiety and then went to see my GP, it was one of the hardest things I ever did as it would be so easy to blame an illness. I can blame my gallstone for pain but not all the toxic crap in my head that's been there for years. The moment I looked objectively at all my recent trauma and stress was such a release, hopefully I'm on the mend now. And you are too I hope!

P.S. the MRI scared me more than anything else as I hate being in small spaces! It was not as bad as I imagined, which is the same with anxiety, the panics will not kill us!

24-09-10, 18:54
sorry you had to wake up like that. I'm not sure what would cause the tingling sensation, could be you just woke up funny, or just a random once off side effect of your meds as your body is adjusting.

I know with me I worry the sensation won't go away and I imagine the worst possible outcome!

hope your feeling ok

24-09-10, 21:00
Yeah Hazel, those MRIs and CT scans were a bit worrying, but weren't too bad when I was in there, the MRI just feels like it takes an age though lol.

thanks mishel, feeling slightly better now, not tingling too much, not sure what that is.
yeah, I do the same, worry about the worst case scenario, but I've been pretty good recently, today I'm hoping, was a blip day. Hope you are feeling ok too

Hazel B
24-09-10, 21:07
I hope it was a blip day too and wish you a good nights sleep.

Checking out for bed now, I'm usually a night owl but hey ho, I'll crack the anxiety soon!