View Full Version : Hello everyone

24-09-10, 19:07
Hello my names Adele (Del)
I have suffered panic/anxiety attacks on and off for around 19yrs, well, since having children! and I have 5 of them:ohmy: My eldest is nearly 20, next is 18, then 17 and 15 and we have our baby that was a shock to my system after two lots of treatment for cancer (Hodgkinsons Lymphoma) we thought I would be sterile and also my husband had a vasectomy 15yrs ago! so what I thought was most likely my menopause is now my 1yr old son! *
My dad passed away before my pregnancy was confirmed and then we have all the usual teenage problems to deal with as well as the new baby and then my mum passed away in July (I still have'nt cried for her yet because we still expect her to ring or call in) so my doctor thinks this recent spell of anxiety/panic has been caused by all the things that have happened over the last 2yrs. I started Propranolol on monday and they do calm me but I find it hard to function an hour after taking them because i'm so tired/spaced out with them.

Thats enough of me for now but i'm glad I have found a place to talk about side effects or anxiety.*

Thanks for taking the time to read.

24-09-10, 19:08
Hi Del1970

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

24-09-10, 19:14
Hi Del, welcome to the site, you will chat to many lovely people here. :)

24-09-10, 19:21
Hi Del
You've had a lot to deal with in a short space of time! My first panic attacks began after my daughter was born six years ago but came back recently. I lost my dad at Xmas and my mum in June so I can appreciate the feeling that they're going to knock on the door or give you a call - it's enough to cope with without a baby and teenagers. You must have more energy than me :)

I'm a newbie too and I hope you find comfort here x

24-09-10, 19:28
Awwwe, thankyou so much for the warm welcomes,
I am so happy that I have a found a place where people have had the same feelings and experiences with panic/anxiety and other things because its sometimes hard to explain to people that have never suffered them just what it feels like, I think because we look ok others think we must be ok.

Again thasnks so much for the welcomes

24-09-10, 19:58
Hi Del am new 2 welcome 5 children be proud x

Vanilla Sky
24-09-10, 21:23
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

eternally optimistic
24-09-10, 22:58
Hi Del

Glad you found the site, you'll get loads n loads of reassurance here:)

You have had alot to deal with, so many things going on.

I am sure you need a good cry and maybe some rest !! LOL

I hope you get support from here and that you start to feel better soon.

Good luck for the future.

paula lynne
25-09-10, 08:11
Hi Adele and a massive welcome to you :welcome:good to have you aboard! x

25-09-10, 08:16
Thankyou again everyone for the warm wlecome.

Its made me feel better just being here and reading about others, what they are going through, how they deal with it, and knowing i'm not alone.

I wish i'd found this place sooner


25-09-10, 08:30
Hi Del and welcome :)