View Full Version : help lol

24-09-10, 20:39
ive been on sertralin for 3 years, had a bad month decided just to stop it, 4 days without it head went crazy, had head zaps, shakes, sweets, feeling distant, sick, u name it the lot, took overdose 3 days ago, got admitted into hospital, discharged myself today, feel like im going mad, i have 4 sons to look after, and all i want to do is give up, has anyone been through the same, can anyone tell me how long it lasts and if it does get better, im lost as what to do, been told to start taking them again from tomorrow morning, but is that a good idea as i will have to wait for them to get back into my system again, is it worth holding it out, i cant take this anymore, please let me know if u have been through the same and if things get better i will really appreciate it thanks for taking the time to read this i just hope there is some hope for me xx

24-09-10, 20:51
You can't have withdrawals forever so don't worry about that, if you start again I guess it wouldn't take as long to get into your system as it's probably still in there and your body's used to having it, it's really your decision.
I'm on Sertraline and find the effects I'm having bad enough but I am in the first 2 weeks, hate to think what I'd be like with withdrawals.

25-09-10, 16:43
With antidepressants you can't just stop otherwise you will have terrible withdrawals like you've experienced. You need to come off them under a Dr's supervision really slowly such as a couple of months. You gradually reduce the dose until the Dr thinks it's safe to stop. If done correctly you shouldn't have too many withdrawals, maybe just a bit dizzy and queasy like when starting up on them but that should be all.

25-09-10, 22:09
It really messes with your moods and your symptoms to stop taking SSRIs too quickly. My ex stopped taking his a few times and I noticed the changes in his mood almost straight away. I'm on 100mg sertraline - I started on 50mg, then went up to 100mg after a few months. A few weeks ago I decided I didn't want to take so much so I went down to 75mg and then 50mg but after a week or so on 50mg I noticed my mood was so much worse, I was crying a lot and scared of everything.

I'm sorry you've been through such a difficult time. Can you get anyone to help you with the children? Do keep taking the sertraline as you've been directed, the level should build up quite fast again and you should feel better soon.