View Full Version : Sudden weakness in hands/legs/arms?!! HELP :(

24-09-10, 22:56
Please say someone else gets this!!!!!!

I can get it even if im busy, and NOT anxious so i dont have a clue why its happening. I was on the loo earlier and suddenly felt like I couldnt feel or move my hands, although i know i could as i tried to move them and i did but they just felt SEVERELY weak?!!

Does ne1 else EVER get a sudden feeling that they cant move or feel their arms/hands even though they know they can??? I keep thinking my brain has sumthin really bad wrong with it to make me feel this way, like im getting MS or something :( So scared... :( :( :( Its not there all the time, its intermittent, so does this mean its not my brain... im so scared right now :(

24-09-10, 23:13
didnt think so :( :( :(

24-09-10, 23:15
Blimey - give people chance to reply. :roflmao:

It is late and not many on at the moment.

24-09-10, 23:22
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii so sorry for late reply xxxxxx

when i am having my high anxiety/panic attack my left arms goes so heavy and also numb....at 1st it scared me half to death.....but now i know its a symptom of the attack this is how my body reacts....and maybe if you are in high anxiety it maybe your body reacting....i think there is a link to how high anxiety/panic can affect your body or someone will copy on here for you.

try not to be too alarmed....but if you need to call your gp for reassurance xxxxx

25-09-10, 02:59
I recently posted with similar symptoms. My anxiety is sky high and I am sure you symptoms are anxiety too.