View Full Version : Good Morning

Patrick Michael
25-09-10, 06:45

I'm a new person - so - reading the site - thought I'd say hello.
My name is Patrick I am 42 and single - and struggling in the aftermath of a relationship break up 12 months ago. anxiety and depression - although I am still functional

Had a quick browse of the site. And really think it and people therein might help me and hopefully vice versa



25-09-10, 06:59
Hi Patrick Michael

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
25-09-10, 07:51
Hi Patrick and a big welcome to you :welcome:and good morning to you!! Youll find this site really informative and helpful. Welcome aboard x

25-09-10, 08:01
Hi Patrick and welcome :)

Vanilla Sky
25-09-10, 18:48
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Fly away Katie
25-09-10, 20:16
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

25-09-10, 20:35
hi patrick hope you feel better and what part of the uk you from

26-09-10, 17:27
Hi Patrick - this is a great place to find an understanding ear so I hope you get some reassurance here :)

26-09-10, 17:34
Hi & welcome:)

Patrick Michael
12-10-10, 17:21

Blimey - hello to all. Thanks for the good wishes and support. Really starting "to feel my feet under me" under me, and gaining in confidence every day.

Thats due in part to some very supportive friends and family, work have been great - and this site is a huge resource. Things are startiong to look up every day

I live in Bath to the person who asked.



tracey c
12-10-10, 17:35
Welcome Patrick - I've found this site a big comfort and I'm sure you will to :hugs: