View Full Version : lump in back of neck .. HELP PLEASE :,(

25-09-10, 07:06
i just found a small lump in the back of neck right on the hair line and im freaking out!!!! is this cancer :weep:

25-09-10, 08:07
Is it under the skin like a small hard lymph node or is it on top of the skin in which case its a spot of some kind.

swollen lymph nodes are very very common and usually not sinister - having experience of 2 people with lymph type cancers they did not have small lumps they had big lumps and getting bigger. I have had a few occasions with very tiny hard glands at back ofneck or behind ears that last about a week then go down never to be seen again.

Watch and wait - if it is def a swollen lymph gland then check it once a week only and if either it gets alot bigger over a week or two or is still there but same size in three weeks see your Dr for reassurance.

paula lynne
25-09-10, 08:42
Hi, same as countrygirl really, see if it gets bigger or hurts etc...maybe seeing your md would out your mind at rest anyway? hope you feel better soon x:hugs:

Fly away Katie
25-09-10, 09:47
Its a little NODE babe, I went to the docs with that. TOTALLY normal ;) x x x x x x

25-09-10, 15:37
i just found a small lump in the back of neck right on the hair line and im freaking out!!!!

i just posted this hours ago and only got back 3 replys. noone here has experienced swollen nodes on back of neck its small but it doesn't move!! all i keep thinking is im 25 and thats it my life is over .. all over google it says u have to worry =(

25-09-10, 15:56
my love..please please please stop googling...please!

on monday make an appointment to see your gp and he/she can put your mind at rest xxxxxxx

lots of love and thinking of you xxxxxx

25-09-10, 16:08
Ho my god you have a lump in the back of your neck, ok why are you worrying? because you think its cancer? ok please let me tell you a story ok ive had a lump also in the back of my neck and it didnt move it was solid it wasnt massive but it was a worry to me thinking i had cancer, well it wasnt cancer it was a spot that came up and was hard it was there for weeks, the more i played with it the longer it stayed there, i cnat remember what the doctor called it now but it did go in the end, stop googling it dont help ive done that for well over 1 year and even lost weight nearly 2 stone because of the worry, god bless you will be fine Ian thats the word cyst thats what i was trying to think of lol

25-09-10, 16:09
Don't google!!! It never helps! I once had a red spot on my tongue that i googled and was convinced i had mouth cancer, as all the symptoms pointed that way.

It turned out to be a blood blister. All that worry over nothing.

The lump is most likely to be a cyst - it doesn't have to hurt. Make an appt with your doctor who will let you know you're fine.

In meantime, stay away from google, think rationally about this - which is more likely a cyst or something similar, or cancer? Definitely the cyst.

I'm thinking of you, but try not to panic. xxxxxxx

25-09-10, 16:13
I will merge this with your other post so you can read all replies together

25-09-10, 16:29
thank u guys so much ... i have been so bad that i has a massive panic attack in the middle of the night, my body was shaking .. ive spoken to some ppl about this and they told me that its tiny and not to worry.. i just got health insurance so i have to find a doc and hopefully no cancer =(. since i was a kid i have been obsessed with cancer its so annoying i just wish i can shut my brain off :weep: