View Full Version : feeling drained

05-03-06, 17:07
Does anyone else feel drained a lot with anxiety? I find its worse after an actual panic attack, when I feel exhausted for a day or two, but I find I also have a general feeling of being tired and basically knackered, especially after I've been worrying myself senseless. I would have thought all the adrenaline we anxious types produce would give us lots of energy, not thw other way round!

Anxiety Is Evil

05-03-06, 17:17
I get totally drained, as you say it seems worse after a panic attack, sometimes even in the mornings I wake up tired

You are defo not alone


05-03-06, 17:52

At the moment I feel as If I have been run over by a bus. Im normally the type of person that never gets tired but I've had a stressful two months so I know for sure it's the anxiety. Just relax and listen to your body, it's probably telling you it needs rest. Your probably used to fighting the anxiety and your body has said enough is enough. Give yourself time to heal and you'll soon be feeling much better.