View Full Version : Constant Ectopics

25-09-10, 09:43
hi i have alot to chat so bare with me

i used to be bulimic for several years. now this was due to anxiety but doesnt help my anxiety now.
at the moment i have constant ectopics. all day. for the last few days.

i have had Ecgs's that show these ectopics or missed beats or two together.

Cardiac enzymes were tested as well as the electrolytes. They came back fine.
Bloods in general were tested - came back fine.
Heart xray- came back fine.

I wanted to ask... Can my own mind give myself constant ectopics? and can it also create and change the symptoms that i fear?

25-09-10, 16:17
Hi there,

Ectopics can be hereditary, and i think (as far as i am aware) that stress/anxiety can cause them, much like palpatations.

If you are prone to them, then any kind of anxiety can trigger them.

Have you ever had a test for your thyroid? Thyroid can cause ectopic beats, but i am sure your doctor will have tested for this.

Don't worry, you're not going to have a heart attack :) i've had ectopics for a long time and it's never done me any harm x