View Full Version : missing out again

tracey c
25-09-10, 11:38
Feeling really low today. I've had two holidays this year that I ended up spending in bed in a caravan whilst my partner looked after the kids! My step-daughter is moving to university today and I've had to stay at home as I'm feeling so rough. I feel really bad that I've missed this once-in-a-life time event.
Since I started with this in April I've been off work so much that I'm now worrying they're going to finish me - how will I pay the mortgage?? I work for the emergency services and obviously cannot do my job properly. I've been in my job for nearly twenty years and I love it - so whats the matter with me. I want my life back to how it was.
I'm now sitting at home waiting to go to bed, but worrying about it because I don't like being on my own.
Is there any end to this!!!!!:weep:

paula lynne
25-09-10, 11:51
Hi T, sorry you feel so ill hun. x maybe for now, go with what your body wants,...rest and sleep. Why dont you send your step-daughter a lovely long hand written letter or card letting her know you love her and show your support..Im sure Ive read feeds on here about extreme tiredness, maybe you could have a poke around and try and find them. Dont beat yourself up ok, and trust you will get better, this will pass. People break free everyday, never give up hun xxxx:hugs::bighug1:

26-09-10, 15:53
Hi Tracy, You have not said if you are on any medication. It is helping me.Loads better,but still cannot socialise.Anymore than 4 poeple around me,have to go. I know its my fault.wish I could change:hugs: