View Full Version : Worried sick - brain tumour - numb

25-09-10, 11:51
Well my brain tumour fear is growing in severity since yesterday I got a numb spot on my lip. When I touch it it feels worse and if I touch on my chin below that feels numb as well. My tongue keeps tingling as well and that has a numb patch on the oposite side to my lip numbness.

I also have a patch on my finger where it feels like it is burning when I touch it.

I am absolutely sick to the stomach with this.

Can anyone explain this or should I really worry?

paula lynne
25-09-10, 11:57
Hi, facial numbness and tingling are very common with anxiety. x I dont think youve anything to worry about, but if it persists for a few days, maybe see a gp to reassure yourself? Hope you feel better soon, try distraction as concentrating on the feelings often intensifies the feelings x:)

Fly away Katie
25-09-10, 12:54
Ive had simelar to this. My wrist went numb once.. and I tried to itch it and I couldn't feel a thing...weird. Sounds like anxiety to me x x x

25-09-10, 12:57
Thing is I can feel it when I touch it. It's very odd.

It's not like when your lips go numb when you hyperventilate. It's only one small patch.

25-09-10, 13:39
My other deep seated worry is MS and all my symptoms seem to point to that too. So very scared right now.

25-09-10, 16:10
Please don't be scared or worried, it is most likely anxiety. Are you on any meds? Certain medications can cause localised numbness.


25-09-10, 18:20
No, no meds :(

26-09-10, 08:53
Thanks to those of you who have replied. I'm worried that no many people have answered though and whether that's because they think there's something wrong and don't want to say.

paula lynne
26-09-10, 09:49
Hi dodo, you arent being ignored, its just that some people wont understand your particular problem, and dont feel they can comment. I think it would be a good idea if you talked to your gp about how you feel, and go through everything youve told us. Hoping you have a better day today x:)

26-09-10, 10:03
People have always said that if you get something that goes numb that it's a sign you have a tumour. I am so scared as I don't want to leave my daughter. I want to be well and be here to see her grow up. I don't get any headaches or anything like that but people also say that headaches aren't a sign of a tumour. I do get pressure in my head as well and buzzing in my ears, which again I've been told are signs of a tumour.,

paula lynne
26-09-10, 10:09
Personally I try not to listen to "people" telling me this and that, only professionals, thats why I suggest your doctor love. That way you can go through all your symptoms. Will you make an appointment? x:)

26-09-10, 10:10
I have done but I know full well they won't take me seriously because of my history of health anxiety. Plus I'm petrified of finding out I have something terminal.

paula lynne
26-09-10, 10:15
They have to take you seriously, its their job. Please go back and try again. x:)

26-09-10, 12:18
Can anyone tell me how likely it would be that I would have one? Are they common?