View Full Version : Regression Therapy

05-03-06, 17:44
After being off anti depressants for two months having been on and off them for six years I have recently started to have feelings of my past coming back to me. I went to my Aunties house today and I haven’t been there for years. I used to spend a lot of time there playing with my two cousins. When I was there it was almost as if I had gone back in time, as if I was a child again. Have you seen those TV programmes sometimes, for e.g. Scrooge, when the Ghost of Christmas past takes him back, well it was like that? I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming it all. It was really freaky. I almost feel as if I need to go back to my past to move forward. Has anybody on this board ever had regression therapy? If so, did it help? Thanks

06-03-06, 12:56

I did a bit of regression whilst having Hypnotherapy as she was trying to find something in my past that could have caused all my problems.

To be honest I didn't enjoy it, it made me cry all the time and it didn't help. What is in the past can stay there as far as I am concerned and it can't be changed so I look to the future instead. Just my thoughts anyway.


06-03-06, 13:43

That's a good way of looking at it I suppose.


06-03-06, 18:14
I personally don't think regression therapy is very helpful. It can help to briefly look back at past events in order to develop an understanding of where you are now in life. However, too much time spent focusing on the past can make things worse and hinder progress.

What does help is concentrating on where you are now and learning how to make changes in order that you can move forward, one step at a time.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

07-03-06, 06:55

I haven't had regression therapy, but I relate to what you say about the going back to the past thing. It happens to me all the time, even without a specific trigger, I have flashbacks of different moments of my past, some of which I never thought I could remember. They have no connection to each other, and they are different every time. I posted a topic about that, and so did suzuki, you might want to check them out:

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Flashbacks are usually associated with PTSD, but I think mine are different because they are different every time and are not connected to a specific event. I just experience different past memories as if they are happening right now, in the present time and place. As if I'm stuck in a past moment and cannot relate well to the present.

07-03-06, 11:04
Hi Lotus

Thanks for that. Although some of the flashbacks are of traumatic experiences I've had in the past (My one year old Daughter being knocked over for eg) NOT NICE. Most of them just seem to be of no significance whatsoever!