View Full Version : Going round in circles

25-09-10, 15:02
Hello there.Really not feeling good,just got this constant feeling of lowness and crippling lack of confidence and am not sure i will ever get rid of it.
I just feel no one cares,i feel it all the time.I've been through a very traumatic time and i just feel so desperately alone.I seem to upset anyone i get to know and i dont understand why.
I have two children who i adore and if it wasnt for them i wouldnt be here.I split from my husband 9 years ago and to my shame i have never found anyone else who was faintly interested in me.I just can't seem to connect with anyone.I used to be such a bright bubbly person who used to go out alot but due to having a chronic illness life has got very very hard.The only people i connect with are my kids and dogs and i guess i am lucky to have that.
I know i am suffering with depression and teriible anxiety,i just want to connect with someone again,in need of friendship and caring.
This is a big cry for help,i dont speak to a soul all week and i feel like i'm sort of shrivelling up.

paula lynne
25-09-10, 15:11
Hi Ali and welcome to a great supportive and informative site :welcome: Youve had a rought time of it, try reading the threads on the left, a good place to start. Im so glad you have your children xx Im agoraphobic, so dont speak to anyone really. This forum really has been a bit of a lifesaver for me, Im sure you'll find hope and comfort here too. So good to know you Ali, and hope you feel better soon. xx

25-09-10, 16:21
my heart goes out too you xxxxx you are here with us now and not alone xxxxxx

it is oh so hard but you are most definately not alone...how old are your children..i have one aged 13 and feel so god damn guilty every single moment of the day!

i too have a chronic illness....crohns disease....up until june i was doing ok...then bang everything went kind of pear shaped.....i use to be the life and soul of the party, the person that everyone could rely on to brighten up there day.....and now it is all oh so different....so i totally totally understand!

please feel free to pm me xxxxx we all route for each other and help each other out all the time xxxxxx

25-09-10, 17:06
Thank you to both of you.
I have a daughter of 14 and a son aged 11.
Calm crohns disease is not nice at all,i do feel for you.I have fibromyalgia,sometimes its not too bad and sometimes its totally rubbish but i try and cope as best i can.It makes me massively oversensitive tho which is tiring,i suffer from panic attacks too.
I been trying to pretend i'm ok but its not worked and just admitting to others how lousy i feel is a first step.
Ali xxx

25-09-10, 18:10
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ali

that is such a huge thing to do....to admit to others that you are not well.....it is the first step.

how are you kids coping.....i havent told kerrylouise? but i think maybe soon i will have too....but that scares the living daylights out of me...i dont want her to worry....i think you will know wot i mean.

like you with your condition good days and bad days xxxxx at the moment my head is all over the blasted place.

thinking of you ali....my name is tracey and it is so good to meet you xxxxx