View Full Version : mushrooms in garden

25-09-10, 18:56
I live in halls of residence where the grass isnt well kept, was walking to shop about half an hour ago and realised there are black mushrooms growing on the grass. Cue instant panic, my jeans/shoes would have touched them, my shoes then touch the floor, my feet touch the floor, then I theoretically swallow some of it surely? Or even worse, my hand touches my jeans, etc? I'm wondering whether I should change my jeans, go for a shower etc? But even that wouldn't solve it as I'd have to then wash the floor, my shoes etc. I think I'm being silly but I'm a bit worried, please if you have advice to calm me down? lol

Ironically I am just away to go eat a "Mushroom burger" haha but not at all worried about that!

25-09-10, 19:23
I would just enjoy your mushroom burger. Youve got more chance of winning the lottery tonight than the other mushrooms harming you.

25-09-10, 19:33
At least you acknowledge that you're being silly, so there's a start. Personally I believe you're blowing this all out of proportion, but due to anxiety your mind is papering over the gaping cracks in your logic.

Firstly, you don't even know whether the mushrooms are poisonousness or not. Secondly, you might not have even trodden in them. Thirdly, you're using some kind of bizarre rules of transitive property to get the mushrooms from your shoes, to your jeans, to your hands, to your mouth. Fourthly, if they are even the most lethal of mushrooms, there's unlikely to be enough toxicity from them touching your shoes/jeans to have any bearing on your health. Fifthly, plenty of people come into contact with poisonousness mushrooms without any kind of ill effect. Sixthly, not every thing that has the potential to cause you harm will cause you harm. Hell, you can buy uranium ore on Amazon if you really wanted to, so stop worrying.

Fly away Katie
25-09-10, 20:36
Yeah, you'll be fine. They wont harm you atall ;) Enjoy that burger x x x

25-09-10, 20:47
I hope my previous post didn't sound harsh, but I want you to know that you're worrying over absolutely nothing. I've suffered from health anxiety pretty badly in the past and one of the best things to hear is the unadulterated truth. People would often pussyfoot around my anxiety using phrases like "I'm sure you'll be fine" and it really doesn't help. You need someone to tell you straight up, so I was telling you in the reply that you will be fine. No questions asked.