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25-09-10, 19:41
Hi everone its sat night always been my fav. In times gone by put me rock music on, cook a curry, chilli fantastic and ok a few beers. Loved it. Am still going to cook chilli but I feel different still no x factor rubbish. I just wish I felt better x

25-09-10, 19:54
Well im sad cos im watching x factor. A glass of wine makes it easier viewing and hopfully my son will bring me a curry later.
But yea i know what you mean.

Hazel B
25-09-10, 20:24
Hey, I know how you feel! I would normally have a take-away treat with a "rock disco" but I have a gallstone and can't eat fat and my anxiety stops me listening to metal!
It can only get better..........

paula lynne
25-09-10, 20:27
Hazel B yes!! Ive gone from ACDC and Rainbow to Eva Cassidy! The palps are better but now Im crying all the time!! hahaha xxx oh dear.....x:D:weep:

Hazel B
25-09-10, 20:33
I guess the shattered nerves can't cope with the rock! I've been listening to Enya and my favourite band is Metallica, for goodness sake! I guess I associate rock with being happy and carefree!

Let's hope we get our headbanging back soon! x

paula lynne
25-09-10, 20:35
Oh I LOVE METALLICA! Enter sandman and One.....gosh it takes me back.! yes, we will rock on again one day, keeping my ACDC t-shirt ready.....! x enjoy your night Chris B x

25-09-10, 20:38
I would ban X factor ;) ACDC and Richie Blackmore's Rainbow? cool, along with the manics, the Foo's RUSH, Audioslave, Nirvana, Floyd, ahhh the list goes on.

Fry whole cumin seeds first in a dry pan then crush, and add dark chocolate to your chilli, you wont regret it ;)

Hazel B
25-09-10, 20:52
Well Chris, looks like you've got a rock posse with you mate!

25-09-10, 21:25
Thanks for that ACDC Led zeppelin are so cool I do like jethro tull bit quieter love iron maiden. Pink floyd are great but you have got to be right frame of mind. Eva cassidy was it songbird omg showing my age. :shades:

Hazel B
26-09-10, 11:09
For all the rockers there is a good DAB Digital radio station "Planet Rock" which is on radio or Sky 0110.
It's for rock style more than metal but I liked it on in the background before my anxiety kicked in.

26-09-10, 11:56
I listen to it often Hazel :)

paula lynne
26-09-10, 12:04
Jaco...ritchie blackmores Ariel is an absolute masterpiece isnt it?? x how did tyour night go Chris ? x

Hazel B
26-09-10, 13:27
Jaco - good to know I'm not the only listener! There aren't too many rockers around where I live! I used to do the 11.30 quiz every morning.

Chris B - hope you're OK today.

26-09-10, 15:58
Thanks everyone for chatting last night. Its always nice talking about good music:yesyes: Cooked chilli it was a struggle cried a bit its my balance its so scarey. Still I did manage to eat it and it was hot! By the way thanks Hazel B i will listen out for planet rock. x

Hazel B
26-09-10, 18:21
No worries!

You all inspired me and I've spent the afternoon updating my iPod tunes, didn't have any anxiety and felt like me again for once!

It proves distraction really works.

26-09-10, 18:55
Gosh Hazel B thats mega cool am well pleased for you. Keep on rockin.:shades: I no nothing about I pods P pods yes I am from Norfolk x

Hazel B
26-09-10, 20:17
Thanks, it's the first time I felt "normal" in months, my personality has been swallowed up somewhere into something with a dodgy pulse and daft worries!

Keep on rocking and fighting Chris! I won't be rude about you being from Norfolk, I've heard it's lovely.

26-09-10, 20:58
Yes Hazel Norfolk is lovely well most of it and I never say bootiful but I do eat carrots x

Hazel B
26-09-10, 21:05
Ho! Ho!

Have a calm day tomorrow, hope it goes well.

I'll be on week 4 of sick leave tomorrow, feel a bit guilty but I know I'm not pretending, anxiety is awful.

26-09-10, 21:47
Dont feel guilty I have not been to work 4 8 months have not got a job to go back to now either. Anxiety is awful. x

Hazel B
27-09-10, 11:29
Thanks, I know I need to get better but my sick record has been so good.
I may have an option to take redundancy, but don't feel strong enough to make big decisions. I'm seeing a counsellor so may ask them about it.
How are you today?

27-09-10, 11:51
I know what you mean I spent 15 years at the Royal mail hardly had a days sick, then I got ill. Was off for months they gave me 5 grand to go because of medical problems. This was 9 years ago, I had no choice to be honest. That is a big decision for you. I feel pants today Trudi is at work will go for a drive later hate being alone x