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View Full Version : does anyone feel like me, can anyone help?

25-09-10, 21:11
My name is Kelly and I have a 8mth old daughter who is a little bundle of happy. I on the other hand an a great big heap of unhappy as i have PND and I cannot cope with with anything at all and have been like this for 5mths.
I dont want to be like this i feel totally alienated from my child who I cannot bond with and find it very hard to show any love and affection to,i just feel she would be better off if i left and would be bought up by her father.
All I ever wanted was to be a mum and now I cant understand WHY I cant DO IT.
Can anyone help me please.
Does anyone else have the same feelings

25-09-10, 21:23
Hi Kelly

I'm sure there will be someone who can give you some advice on this but in the meantime I believe there are a few posts here that might help?


25-09-10, 21:35
chels....oh chels....have you spoken to someone like your health visitor????

its hard being a mum.....please dont punish yourself......you are most definately not the only one who have had these feelings...i promise...ok.

ladybird has given you a link....and as she kindly said...you will get posts from people who have felt this way....you are not alone my love...but i believe you probably should get some professional help....maybe your gp...they will be oh so sympathetic and will give you so so so much help xxxxxx

25-09-10, 21:41
I agree with Tracey (calm) above, definitely enlist the help of your HV or GP in this..please don't feel ashamed or a failure in any way..you are not.

I also had a look on the net and found this link: http://wzeu.search-results.com/r?t=p&d=apn&s=zuk&c=a&l=dis&o=15918&sv=0a652944&ip=5e081163&id=006E20F690398E4FDD2AD2FAC3C39BBA&q=post+natal+depression&p=1&qs=121&ac=113&g=7cd6ZP+zppf7Lz&en=te&io=0&ep=&eo=&b=a003&bc=&br=&tp=d&ec=1&pt=Post%20Natal%20Depression&ex=tsrc%3Dtled&url=&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pni.org.uk%2F

Hopefully it may be useful :flowers:

25-09-10, 22:32
Hi Kelly,
hang on in there I had PND 26 years ago now. It does get better but you need support and maybe medication. You will get plenty of help here as well. :hugs: