View Full Version : static shock or electric?

25-09-10, 22:39
I'm a bit worried, when straightening my hair (around about 2 hours ago) I got 2 or 3 small shocks, I think and I hope static - because my hair was all staticy too, is it possible it was just a build up of static? I'm worried now lol :unsure:, I ran my knuckle down the straighteners to see if I was worrying over nothing and I still got the same feeling so am convinced it must have been an electric shock. I suppose it being two hours ago I'm not likely to end up ill or nothing but I'm still a bit worried :wacko: I know this is my 2nd thread tonight and I'm sorry, honest, I have taken everyones advice in the last one but its like you replace one worry with another, Im sorry :weep:

paula lynne
25-09-10, 22:54
Build up of static hun x:ohmy: ouch!

25-09-10, 22:59
You'd know about it if it was an electric shock from the mains electricity. You'd have burns, severe pain, possibly a severe case of the deads too. I'd say it was static but check the straighteners for any damage, split wires etc.

25-09-10, 23:49
Hi Daisycake,

That sounds like a shocking experience :scared11:
...sorry :whistles:

Yes, it does sound like it was just static, especially as you said your hair was all staticy at the time. And electric shocks don’t tend to cause any ill effects several hours later – it’s at the instant it happens when they can be dangerous. I used to repair TVs and I tried not to make a habit of it, but there was always that occassional momentary lapse of concentration... and I’m still here!

Rob gave some good tips, and if you’re really worried you could get the straighteners tested in an electrical shop. BTW, am I remembering correctly that you’re at uni?? They might even have a health and safety dept that could test them because I’m sure all their electrical equipments needs to be regularly tested. It would be called an insulation test (unofficially called a flash test!) to check the earthing etc.

BTW, re the mushrooms that I read about elsewhere :winks:
I haven’t had any of those on my lawn yet, but I will because they spring up every year. Sometimes I’ve trodden on them, or mown over them and later cleared up the lawn. I wouldn’t start licking my fingers afterwards because some are poisonous, but don’t take any special precautions apart from washing my hands when I’ve finished in the garden.

Take care,