View Full Version : I start a new job tomorrow!

26-09-10, 07:14
Hey all hope you are all well today! Just wanted to come on and share something positive!

My panics have settled a little and so has the feeling in my throat, so much so that i have not had a diazepam since last sunday! Although i am suffering awful headaches, thas making me worry that it could be more but am trying not to think too much as dnt want to bring panics back! Also my face is tingly again, and i know this can be a symptom of anx but i had something happen to me a few wks ago and i worry its from that and will return!

Anyways i start a new job 2mo, its only part time retail supervisor but a big step as ive not worked for 4 years since having my eldest child! I cant wait!


26-09-10, 08:21
Hi pink

Well done. I wish you all the best in your new job :)

Good luck


26-09-10, 09:22
That is a huge achievement, well done!! Good luck with the new job! xx

Veronica H
26-09-10, 09:52
:bighug1:Go for it Tonix:yesyes:


paula lynne
26-09-10, 09:53
Fantastic news! well done x:yahoo:

26-09-10, 12:11
Well done Pink i am realy pleased for you the new job will help keep your mind busy hope you enjoy it:yahoo:

26-09-10, 12:21
Thank you so much everyone!

26-09-10, 19:34
Well done Pink and good luck

love mandie x

26-09-10, 20:05
awh thats well good"! i hope it goes well x x x

26-09-10, 22:36
WELL DONE :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:.

26-09-10, 22:44
A new job. How wonderful for you. :hugs: