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View Full Version : Chest pain ?

26-09-10, 09:07
I have been having chest pain/discomfort now for weeks,i went to see my GP on friday as i have also been having shoulder pain too with pins and needles in my right arm! i explained about the chest discomfort and said i think its my heart! but she said it wasn't not sure how she knows that she listend to my lungs,well i think it was all around my back and top of my chest? and said it was fine.My blood preasure was boarderline she said and that i have pulled a muscle but its been weeks now,how long do they take to heal.

She has given me Naproxen but i have read if your blood preasure is high you should not take them?

Oh dear what to do :wacko:

tracey c
26-09-10, 09:37
I have suffered with chest pains during a panic attack - from what I've read on this site it seems quite normal. Have a look on the links to the left.
I know a pulled muscle can take a while to heal so try not to worry about that.
It may be worth contacting your gp to see if the tablets are ok to take, just to put your mind at rest.
There's plenty of people here to talk to you so you're not alone. :)