View Full Version : Hi everyone

26-09-10, 13:56
I suffer with depression and the reason why I have just joined this site is because I am having a particularly bad day today.

I take Fluoxetine (2 x 20mg per day for the past 4 years) though to be honest I can't say that they seem to have any effect on me.

I was first diagnosed with depression by my GP in 2004 after being the victim of bullying by my boss at work.

My work put me through a lot of councelling which helped me out of the dark hole I was in and helped me get back to work after 5 months on long term sick leave.

Later that same year I was prescribed Fluoxetine (1x20mg per day) which when the drug kicked in had a very positive impact on me which makes me wonder why a stronger dose is not having the same impact now.

After being diagnosed with depression in 2004 I then realised that this was something that I had been suffering with for much of my life.

My father was very violent and frequently beat up me and my sisters from a very early age.

His family has a lot of mental illness in it including 2 or 3 members of his family that are bipolar so I guess the ingredients above have caused me to be the way i am.

I am currently coming to the end of a years psychotherapy on the NHS and naively at the beginning of the therapy I thought that I was going to be cured similarly to how a doctor might cure someone of an illness or an injury.

My partner is not very supportive of my condition and this is the cause of my problem today as she just went ballistic at me which seemed to be caused by my mentioning my depression in conversation which very soon led to her shouting at me and me followed by me asking her to stop shouting which then caused her to storm upstairs and slam every door as loudly as she could. I asked what was wrong and was told to leave her alone. I'm not sure why or how the row started, but I am very scared and have isolated myself in a room at home and feel like a very frightened small child as opposed to a middle aged man which is how i always feel in situations like this.

Sorry for such a long first post but any help or advice would be very welcome right now.

26-09-10, 14:01
Hi Foxface

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-09-10, 17:32
Hi & welcome:)

paula lynne
26-09-10, 17:56
Hi Foxface, and welcome aboard

26-09-10, 18:44
Hi foxface and:welcome:sounds like your partner is not very understanding she is not alone a lot of people don't understand depression. On the other hand foxface you are not alone either lots of people do understand, you and I both know this. Keep posting.

26-09-10, 18:51
Hi and welcome, you will find all the support you need on here.
Firstly don't beat urself up about ur illness, i too know my anxiety and depression runs in my family. You can't help that and do you know how many people suffer??? You are not alone believe me but I don't imagine that helps just now.

My partner is not very supportive either but I get a lot of support from this site - I also have a fab GP.

It always amazes me how open people are on this site and its really encouraging me to open up which is not something I am good at.

There is a lot of really useful info on here so I hope you find some comfort.

I bet your partner is having a hormonal day and poor u are on the receiving end of it.

Hope your day gets better