View Full Version : blood pressure monitor broken !!!

26-09-10, 14:36
so the little machine i seem to be always connected to has... broken :wacko: at the minute im quite calm as i am telling myself no need to stress about my blood pressure as i cant check it ( id be checking about 10 times or more a day.) as the day goes on i dont kno what im gonna be like i kno its prob a good thing that is has broken ,but my main checking time is evenings and now tonight i cant do tht
ps my blood pressure is usually ok , i send it up when i am going to check it,it might be 145/87 ,then i do it agin after 5 mins and its 115/75 ish ,the docs always have to test mine a few times as they know i send it right up ,sometimes really high but as he said to me when i mentioned my addiction to testing it ,blood pressure fluctuates all day and its when blood pressure is CONSTANTLY high or low where the problems are.........see i can type all this logically but why cant i believe it myself :huh:

26-09-10, 15:19
:) You'll probably hate me for saying this lol but it might be a bit of a blessing in disguise, checking all the time wont be helping you, you can get yourself into a panic before you check and that in itself can send your BP up, it does vary throughout the day depending on what you are doing, I really think you've got nothing to worry about. Like your doctor said, it's when it's consistently high that your doctor will help you to bring it down.. If it helps my mum had BP of 177/112 last week, doctor said this was fine as went it back to normal when she relaxed. Please don't worry, it isn't easy I know, but in a funny way you might find this helps you a bit :hugs: .. I used to check my pulse all the time, got into a right state over the slightest of flutters/differences.. Try watching a funny dvd tonight to take your mind off it etc x

26-09-10, 15:19
If you worry obsessively about your blood pressure then the best thing is that the monitor is broken to be honest.

You do not need to check it that much - unless your GP has specifically asked you to do readings for him.

I am checking mine at the moment as I have just increased some medication for my heart but this is at the doctor's request and not cos I am obsessed with taking it as like you said it will go up and down all day.

Put the monitor away and be grateful it is broken for now :winks:

26-09-10, 15:50
ty for your replies, i dont kno if it makes sense but i have an almost calm feeling as i now know i cannot check it(calm for now !) i