View Full Version : rough night last night :(

26-09-10, 16:06
had a panic attack last night as was drifting off to sleep kept waking up with a started. ended up staying up til about 3am just trying to calm down.
has left me feeling really weird today, very anxious, feel totally drained. have done everything i can think of to take my mind off it, been to the gym, for a swim, planned meals and a shopping list for this week and i just still feel so rubbish. have also been trying really hard to eat fruit and veg, brown bread just to try and give my body a chance.
just want reassurance really that it's quite normal to feel like this the following day. i am just getting so fed up, my mind just wont let me concentrate on anything else. would like to see my therapist really but he's on holiday til 4th october.

26-09-10, 16:33
Hi Sarah.

I'm so sorry you have had a bad night. It is totally normal that you are feeling dreadful today, number one because of lack of sleep, and number two because anxiety is really draining, and when you have a bad night, it also demoralises you as you think things are not improving. Give yourself a break hun. You are doing ok.

Some days distraction works really well for me, and some days not, just as you have mentioned today. That's ok too, as you will find you have days like that but it doesn't mean it's gonna stay that way forever, believe that hun. I'm going through the same thing at the moment so can empathise.

If you need an ear feel free to PM me anytime. YOU ARE DOING JUST FINE.XX:hugs:

26-09-10, 16:49
thanks Debs, that really helped :) i feel really pathetic! I guess I just need to tell myself I will feel myself again soon. I did for most of yesterday! Had a great day for the most part. Back to work tomorrow and I know I'll feel ok because I'll be busy. Hope you're coping ok too. xx

26-09-10, 17:26
Thanks Sarah, and don't feel pathetic. You are still working despite feeling so rough, and that is a HUGE thing to feel proud of yourself about.

Have a good day tomorrow and keep us posted as to how ur getting on.xxxx