View Full Version : Funny chest symptoms

05-03-06, 21:31
Hi all,

I have had some fuuny chest symptoms over the last week or so and I am not sure if its just muscular tension or something else?

My left brest feels heavy and weird - I have had a few spasms into the centre of my breast over the last few days when I move certain ways and if you feel round my left breast it is sore too touch. I did a breast examination yesterday and this breast does feel more lumpy than the other one and feels a lot different down the side of my breast, it feels a lot sorer and lumpy. It almost is the end of my monthly cycle so maybe its just down to that? I would have thought it would affect both breast
I also feel that my arm/shoulder feels a little weak on this side too but this does come and go throughout the day. I also feel that when I take a dizzy spell, my chest feels funny and I get a spasm in the centre of my chest. I have been worrying myself that its caused by my 'weak heart'. I know that will probably sound stupid.

My sister had a lump in her breast last year and had to get it checked out, turned out to be benign. I dont want to start worrying about anything like this as I already worry about heart attacks and brain tumours too much as it is.

Can anyone relate to these symptoms?



april tones
05-03-06, 22:11
hi sadie, do you remember me?
i remember way back you had mri? am i right? i did too as have anxiety depression but had loads of other symptoms after i had my son, i persevered for 2 yrs and got diagnosed with fibromylagia. do a google and see if symptoms match you? love aprilxxxxxx


06-03-06, 00:35
i hope this helps you.It could be digestive problems as i have the sam e symptoms and i have acid reflux.This creates pain in the breast/chest area,and i was always pokin and proddin and made myself sore and bruised!When i have a dizzy spell it seems to go hand in hand with the pain spasm too,It is trapped wind putting pressure in the rib cage.i know all this as i have been back n forth to dr's and hospitals 4 years,had gastroscopy not long ago,and it was the same ,inflamation of the eosophagus!Ask your dr to check you out,it will put your mind at rest,it did me.God bless.Mary-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

17-03-06, 13:34
I have the same symptoms as all of you and been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and costochondritis by my GP.

Fibro and anxiety seem to go hand in hand with an overlap of lots of queer symptoms, aches, pains, burning feelings - the list is endless.

The feelings you are having in the chest seem symptomatic of costochondritis, which can cause soreness and pain in the ribs and sternum, and seems to exacerbate acid reflux just to add a little extra suffering. I'm having just such a painful day myself!