View Full Version : Experience With Drugs For Panic Attacks

26-09-10, 17:53
I have recently started taking Propanolol for panic attacks.
Started on 10mg 3 times daily but it did nothing to reduce the symptoms.

Doctor has no upped it to 80mg Propanolol, taken oce daily, which I have just been taking in the last week.

I went out on Friday night though on the 80mg dose taken in the morning and still had this really bad panic attack, so that doesn't seem to be any use either.

So what drugs has anyone else taken which worked or didn't work?
Do you think I should maybe increase the dose again or is there another drug thats better?

26-09-10, 18:02
i have been on propranalol for a few months, since my panic attacks/anxiety started. at first was on 3 times daily, and now 80mg once daily. i don't think propranalol will stop panic attacks occuring, as i understand it they help to reduce physical symptoms such as rancing heart beats, palpitations etc.
if you're finding they are not helping to control the physical symptoms an your attacks,i would think you should go back to your doctor and explore other options, like SSRIs or maybe some sort of counselling or therarpy. also, yous said you had an attack after going out, i find alcohol brings on my attacks, not at the time im drinking but a few hours after or the next day, so maybe look at your lifestyle and see if you can notice any patterns between what you eat/drink/do on the days you have your attacks.
hope this helps.xxx

26-09-10, 18:42
I don't think any meds will stop ur panic completely but meds will help manage attacks really well.

Meds vary a lot and also take a while to kick in.

I'm with sarah on this one -have a look at your lifestyle as she says and see if that helps - if not go back to your GP.

Be strong it does get better.

26-09-10, 19:24
I don't think any meds will stop ur panic completely but meds will help manage attacks really well.

Meds vary a lot and also take a while to kick in.

I'm with sarah on this one -have a look at your lifestyle as she says and see if that helps - if not go back to your GP.

Be strong it does get better.

Is that true of propanolol?
I was under the impression that you would feel its effects immediately, not like prozac for example which takes a while to work.

26-09-10, 19:37
propranalol worked instantly for me years ago but it took a few days before the full effect kicked in. years later - i needed a much bigger dose - around 80 - 120 (in divided doses) and i am only eight stone so it could be you need a higher dose but check with your doc first before upping. they block the adrenalin receptors in your body so they kind of don't totally stop panic but they minimise its effects x

Hazel B
26-09-10, 20:38
Hi, I have Propranolol 40mg 3 x day, I'm 5ft 3 and quite small so don't want a higher dose. It worked for me after the first tablet, my pulse had been over 100bpm for weeks, it's broken the awful adrenalin cycle I was stuck in. I know it wasn't "placebo" affect as I'd had Citalopram before that and it made me MUCH worse.

I still have a faster pulse when I wake up but my GP says that's the Prop wearing off after the hours of sleep. I also hate getting up so it may just be me and I never noticed my pulse before!

Lifestyle-wise, I've stopped smoking, caffeine and rubbish food and don't really drink booze. The Prop has deffo helped me.

27-09-10, 12:58
I have been on these for a while now but never really take them as I should due to not liking tablets but now my panic attacks have got worse, just sitting at home it suddenly comes on, so I am starting to take the tabs. I am also on 40mg up to a three a day. I am going back to my gp to see if there is something else that may work for me. I hope it works for those who have just started taking it.