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View Full Version : sudden death, still worried :(

26-09-10, 18:52
I stupidly downloaded an information leaflet from BHF which says some of these conditions are not picked up on an ECG. I had an anaesthetic when I was 15 and remember when I was going under they attached a heart monitor to me but I dont know if that is the same as an ECG and I don't know if it would have picked up everything. I'm seeing a new GP on Tues so am going to ask her to do a repeat ECG, an echo, a stress test, etc, everything she can do to see if I can put my mind at rest. I am confused as the charity for this offer all young people free ECGs so if the charity reckon an ECG is enough then maybe I need not worry but I do :weep:.. my doctor at home laughed when I mentioned it and said "well you might have anything" I then said would an ECG pick it up and she said yeah but she sometimes seems like she's only half listening to me. I dont know if what I got was an ECG anyway. The symptoms I have are I get out of breath when exercising and feel dizzy/weak, I'm not very fit though and have had that since I was 12ish (had the ECG since I was 15).. I get heart fluttery things too that feel like my heart stops and I have to cough and it goes back to normal and I've had that on and off since I was 11ish... my pulse throbs too in my hands when I eat a lot of sugar.. and once it shot up to 115 bpm (I was very dizzy that day too and had eaten a lot of sugar) but I'm worried. My chest is sore today but I've got a really bad cold right now (been in bed for 48hrs) so I dont know if that would have an effect? Im so worried about all this. It sounds stupid but sometimes when I am really upset I ask God to take me away, etc, and I'm now worried that's going to happen, I'm really worried.

26-09-10, 19:03
No, it says on the net an ECG has to be analysed by a cardiologist for it to be an ECG so what I had must not have been an ECG so yeah I'll ask for one on Tuesday .. hopefully I can keep it together until then :unsure:

26-09-10, 19:21
What you had was cardiac monitoring. It is basically the same as an ECG except that an ECG takes a snapshot of your heart rhythm momentarily during the period it is carried out, whereas cardiac monitoring is over an extended period, like while a person is anaesthetised, to monitor the heart. If you are worrying yourself about things like long QT which is the sudden death condition then a cardiac monitor and ECG would, I am sure, have picked that up as it is an abnormal heart rhythm.

I too get out of breath at times - in the gym my HR has reached 160 and I am still here, touch wood! It does sound to me that your symptoms are more anxiety orientated than anything else hun.