View Full Version : Breathing problem & Stomach & Neck

26-09-10, 21:50
I feel like i can't breath and feel like i have to push my stomach out to breath which makes me stomach hurt and my neck also hurts when i do this and my chest does sometimes as well, Anyone get this problem?

26-09-10, 21:52
Hi Eggy, yes, I get this only now and again when I am very stressed. It's your chest muscles that are tensed up - absolutely nothing to do with with your lungs! So you will ALWAYS get enough air. Try and relax and take slow concentrated tummy breaths and it will pass. It's a common anxiety symptom so don't worry too much about it. :flowers:

26-09-10, 22:02
I get an internal/external tight pressure in the centre just below my ribs which makes me feel like my stomach is having problems or I can't breathe.

29-09-10, 16:48
To Eggy..

"" i had a start to anxiety for about 8 years ago when im 18. i got meds pscholog suport and all things. it went fine, bad , fine ,bad... i always said that saomethin happening to my heart like its stopping or somethin. they always said (including the doctors) theres nothing wrong with your heart, u are creatin all in your mind.. but i decided to go after it :smile: at last 2 years ago my dear cardiologist found that i have Mitral valve prolapse. but he said that its like 1/200 or something like that. he said its really unimportant but the only thing important is i feel these pauses , extrosystoles , and palpitations.. palpitations are innocent generally, but the pauses and the extrosystoles are sometimes feels me like i'm passing over.. but in time i learned to live with them.. they were always there and me too :smile: but 4 months ago i got a really authentic pause while walking that i were nearly felling down.. then they went on and my anxiety got high again.. then the heart problems got high. a chaining effect.. i went to my cardiologist again.. got a 24 hours and a 7 days monitor again and he said all the same things. u got a little problem but it wont do anything to you!
but the anxiety doesnt work like this. its focused to get the control from you. my dyspnea got high , i cant sleep well , oftenly waking up middle of the night breathles and with a palpitation like my heart will taer my chest apart.. but the dyspnea is the worst may be. i feel it all the day. one day it went so bad that i called an ambulance. they took me in and monitored my heart. they said "you only got a normal palpitation , and u can breathe (they measured the ox. level with a machine it was %98). then they throw me away from the van :smile:

this evening while im turning back from the office to home i got a good panic attack (i got anxiety all the day but panic attacks in 2 or 3 days often) at the bus. i cant breathe and i stepped out on the next station. one or two steps later i got a real hard pause then a lot of extrosystoles in further 10 minutes. but i could still walk in a panic.. i tried to be calm but like 2 hours my heart did all the things he can. now im home and looking on the internet for any explanation about my situation (im doin it all the time and i now everything about everything) and i found this blog..

while im typing here i got a few extrosystoles but i got nearly normal now. i mean i got calm. cause i know that anxiety is the leader here. yes i got some heart issues bt they are nt going to kill, so the anxiety is not. but yeah me too have the anxiety all the day. all the day im counting my heartbeats, trying to breath deeper.but why? i dont know.. all the times i said that im going to die now, i didn't. The life goes on even we care about anxiety or not. we must beat it and i think we will. So it seems the time is the best cure... the evolution had a lot of phases. maybe this will get us on another stage :smile: ""

this is from another entry of mine..

i had breathing problem everyday. i fell like i cant breath, much like the air is not enogh for me to go on. when it goes very bad im trying to take the air that how much i can, it causes a deep couch and my stomach comes to my mouth. that time i feel like i could breath some. but it longs for only 15-20 sec. then it goes over and over.. even now im having problem and trying to relax myself. its a high probablity this is an attack (panic) session again :) but sometimes i cant listen myself very well so im going to emergency servis or calling ambulance (the one i esplained at the entry).. every time they are telling me im okay and i can breath well..for 8 years like that.. every time im thinking that "this one is the worst". but how can i know?.. i think they are right: ican breathe :) and i know u think the same Eggy. our problem is, we dont know how to listen ourselves at the panic moment yet. but i think we will learn somehow by the time :)

paula lynne
29-09-10, 18:44
Eggy, you will breath ANYWAY, you dont need to push your tum out, thats probably whats causing the discomfort. Even through the worst panic attack ever you will still breathe.
Have you ever asked for help through gp re-mental health?
I have.
You really need to face up to whats causing the problems.
You can ask for a referral to a mental health team in your area.
I know your confused but I really think mental health professionals could give you the help you need, which you obviously dont feel your getting at your gps, despite multiple tests these past weeks.
Youve had so many tests, all fine. Its now time to really look inside yourself, and ask for help. As for living alone, why dont you ask some friends over and let them know how youre feeling?
Company always helps.....?

29-09-10, 18:54
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - once again paula such wonderful advice....if you are not getting any help from your gp please ask to be referred xxxxx

29-09-10, 19:09
if it's a new symptom maybe mention it to your doc.
I often feel breathless when I get anxious and my heart is beating fast.
also my chest will feel very tight.