View Full Version : panicyy feeling in supermarket?light sensitivity

april tones
05-03-06, 22:13
hi, i have fibroimylagia so half time dont know whats that or whats anxiety. when i go into supermarkets im fine for s bit then after a while everythings to bright,lights,cant focus,feel dizzy and occasionaly panicky! what is it? thanks xx


05-03-06, 22:41
Hi Apriltones
the things you describe re the supermarket are just the same as me, I feel very anxious in these places. I find the lights too bright, I feel as if I can't here properly - the sound of the activity around me goes ****led. I then start to over breathe and just want to get out as quickly as possible. I must admit that I have improved since having cognitive therapy. At one point in my life it was so bad that every Saturday morning doing the shopping was a nightmare. Having said that, I still have to be the first in the place at 8.00am. Otherwise I get stressed finding a car park space before I even get into the store. I think the symptons must be anxiety - I haven't heard of the other complaint you mention. Eh - that will give me something else to worry about now - in case I have that too. We have to laugh about it don't we or I am sure I would cry.
best wishes, Sue

05-03-06, 23:45
april tones im worrying now i have fib whatever its called because i too get like you when im out now im scared

05-03-06, 23:53
hi Katyf

I know how you feel I get that all the time...what you are experiencing is a Panic Attack!....I still get them from time to time, but I remind myself that it is just panic and I am not going to faint

good luck and Tc

Sharon xxx

april tones
06-03-06, 09:42
hi,, dont worry! doesnt mean you have what i have. i have had panic attacks. its isnt that. i think its also a fear of losing control. any one else ? x fibro isnt nice but not life threatening so nothing to be scared of x


06-03-06, 11:05
Hi there - I know exactly how you feel. Without having a full scale panic attack I always end up feeling dizzy and spaced out within minutes of getting near those lights. I am convinced the fluorescent lights trigger something.


06-03-06, 11:39
Now I know I'm not alone. I have had this feeling too & I can't wait to get the shopping over with, so I can get the hell out of there! But I have found it's only in some supermarkets not all ......

Cath x

06-03-06, 11:43
hi there,yep,it is anxiety/panic.I start as soon as the bright lights hit in,then noises and people,blind panic may follow!I wonder if it is the lights,i dont know i think we are over aware of everthing,our bodies and surroundings,as tho we watch the 'normal' folk simply shopping,unaware of themselves and what is going on around them.If it helps lately i have been into a supermarket, once ON MY OWN ,and it didn't happen,i was free!I was aware of myself but the symptoms simply did not rear threir ugly heads.Hope this happens 4 you soon.What is fibromyalgia?It sounds unpleasent 4 you,take care,love Mary-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

april tones
06-03-06, 14:53
hi, fibro is muscles illness which is widespread aches and pains,tingling etc. other symptoms too, isnt life threatning but uncurable! xx


06-03-06, 15:08
i feel the same! Its horrible. I get very dizzy and short of breathe, all the good signs of anxiety. But you gotta look at in a good way, at least we get our shopping done faster!