View Full Version : Annoyed at CMHT

26-09-10, 23:59
I saw my local MP after CMHT wanted to put me on another antidepressant. I have tried 9 antidepressants over 9 years and found little relief.

The MP spoke to someone who is meant to be in charge of mental health for the uk (lol, dont really believe this) but anyway that person produced a letter saying I should be admitted to the London Maudsley Hospital. I read up on the place and it looks fantastic. Although I don't like the idea of being an in patient at one of these places, this place has a fantastic reputation around the world.

I spoke to my psychiatrist about it, they just laughed (whilst holding the letter in their hand) and said it was not appropriate.

What was the point in seeing the MP?


27-09-10, 00:24
Hi there
Do you think an admission to hospital would really help you? Would it make you feel safe and reassured? Ive been reading your recent threads and its obvious your in a bit of a panic over your health, I totally understand as im at rock bottom at the moment too.
Like you im finding any reassurance very hard to believe.
The difference between us is you have had every test going and thankfully been given the all clear, Ive only had a blood test and chest xray for which the results will be back this week...................Im nervous wreck, expecting the worst.

You should write down all your health worries, then next to it the doctors findings.
every single ailment you have stressed about in recent times, adding any new worries at the bottom.
Its really easy for us to think the doctors have missed something ie; cancer, ms, heart disease etc well we read horror stories all the time dont we?

Im just about to start CBT tomorrow for my health anxiety (very nervous) somehow I have got to try and change 17 years of thinking im dying!!!!!!

Obviously your psychiatrist feels that hospital isnt the right path for you, we have to learn to believe them, however maybe another chat with him/her about it will be a good idea.
I wish you well
Take care
Tracie xxx

27-09-10, 09:54
Hi uk23 you must have felt so let down as you had that letter.I have heard that maudsley is good. Sometimes the drugs do not work they have not for me. Zopiclone was ok but they will not give them to me any more. best of luck now x:shades: