View Full Version : Pain in the neck when breathing

27-09-10, 00:08
I keep getting a pain at the top of my back or neck area when breathing and it's quite worrying!

At the moment i feel like i cannot breath so i sometimes take a deep breath and it hurts.

27-09-10, 14:06
When are you seeing the GP next? Write down all these things and ask them what causes them as we have suggested lots of things but you just keep posting asking again.

27-09-10, 20:51
Shoulders are often associated with tension, stress and anxiety.

The old addage world on your shoulders and all.

I have had shoulder, neck and back problems for ages, partly caused by laptop but it got a lot better when I started anti depressants, which adds weight to my theory that you will get some physical symptoms of being stressed all the time.

I agree with admin though, seek your GP's advice.

Just saying, could be a part of your body being tense, sometimes when you're anxious you can't even tell how tense you are.

When I go for massages I realise how much tension I hold in my muslces all the time, I'm sure that is why you can feel exhuasted alot with anxiety.