05-03-06, 23:47
i found yesterday that i had a really horrible ulcer feeling in my mouth and im worried its mouth cancer or something my mum thinks its maybe too much salt or im run down dya think i can get ukcers from worrying

please help

06-03-06, 02:35
hi katy, ive noticed that ive had a few lately, dont worry its not mouth cancer and will be gone in a few days, get some 'rinstead pastilles', they do ease the ulcer feeling. im not sure why they happen, im hoping someone will post a explanation of causes. you take care .. andrew

06-03-06, 04:21
my husband got these at one time and there are so many different things that can cause them. Stress is one of the causes also acidy food, vitamin deficiencies and even hormonal changes can cause them. I did make him go to the doc cuz of course all the what ifs ran thru my head but it turns out that they are really common and most can be treated with common stuff around the house. The doc told him to crush a tums chewable and add just a little water to form a paste and apply it. It should be gone within 7-10 days. Also no spicy foods or pop until the sore is gone.If the pain from it is bad you can suck on some ice and that should help.
Hope this helps releave some of the worrying you are having over this and I hope that it gets better soon.


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

06-03-06, 11:00
thanks guys

06-03-06, 12:17
Yes you can get ulcers when you are run down and cold sores too.

Try not to worry and get some gel on it and it will soon go.


06-03-06, 16:10
I have had them on many occasions, don't let it worry you even in the slightest :) Stress can definitely be a cause of mouth ulcers in my experience. You will be fine trust me