View Full Version : Stiff Neck and Headaches?

27-09-10, 14:05
Basically I have been getting stiff necks for the past few weeks, I'm really hoping it's because of anxiety because I keep thinking 'meningitis or brain tumor' which really isn't helping!

Ths morning I woke with a normal headache and my neck was unusually stiff, it's not usually this stiff and the headache was just like a normal headache. I did have 2 pints of beer last night but it usually takes a lot more to give me any sort of hangover!

Anyone experience this with their anxiety?

ALSO i just noticed that when I try and touch my chest with my chin, i can't do so and that it sends a tingle down my right arm? It's when I move my head to the left and then slowly round in a circular movement it sends a massive tingle through my arm!!

27-09-10, 14:07
If you are waking with it then maybe your bed and / or pillows are not supporting your back and neck correctly.

27-09-10, 14:10
Yeah it could be, I've never had this problem before though. Does anxiety cause stiff neck? I ask becuase I really don't want to google that haha

tracey c
27-09-10, 15:01
Welcome Mr Blue - I suffer from a really stiff neck and shoulders. I know now it's because I'm tense all the time and holding myself wrong. Try to relax (harder said tham done!) or try a warm bath or hot water bottle!
Good luck :)

27-09-10, 15:17
Thanks for replies, yeah i just had a hot bath and feel much better! Neck no longer feels stiff! Thanks :)