View Full Version : Anxiety getting worse/nightmares

06-03-06, 06:27
My anxiety as some of you know was getting much much better.
Non existant almost and NO panic attacks.

I just got out of hospital yesterday for something from when I was run over recently and my anxiety had been getting worse since the accident and now I am having full blown panic attacks and feel worse than ever. I dont know if it is because I cannot run now and that helped immenseley with my anxiety before and now I cant or if its something else?

I am now having terrible nightmares of death and waking up with panic attacks. The pain in my leg is unbearable and I have panic attacks of being run over.

Afraid to say I have actually wet the bed most nights in a panic the last week or so.

What is wrong with me?

I did post a similar thing not long ago but it is getting worse and more symptoms now.

I just want to sleep but I am scared to sleep for nightmares.

I also dont want to see anyone and am getting angry at people so I stay inside and cry or write poetry.

I am not a whimp but I dont understand what is happening. It is so different from any anxiety I have had in the past.


Learning to under react

06-03-06, 08:48
Dear Chop,

Just want to try and reassure you. You have just about beat the anxiety and panic attacks before and I am sure you will do it again!

The cause from before may be different from this time. As you where run over not to so long back, you have suffered a traumatic experience.

This trauma would be enough to trigger off your panic. On a conscious or sub conscious level you may have worried about been killed, you may be frightened now or reliving the fear from the accident.

Your mobility has been affected and that would knock your confidence, don't be so hard on your self. Accept things will be hard for a little while and don't force it. Get some counselling maybe to discuss your fear, may be you need to go through the accident, verbally and voice your fear. I know getting counselling is easier said than done.

I have laid in my bed wide awake all night terrified of going to sleep because I was frightened that I would not wake up again. Just try and remember it is anxiety/panic, nothing terrible will happen.

Possibly your accident has fed your fear from before that something bad would happen, it was bad luck and you will recover.

If you feel bad just e-mail me at maxine2k6@hotmail.co.uk

I have all these bad feelings my self, but in panic logic goes out the window. I know how you feel.

Don't hide away from people you are strong, you have beat it once, you will again!

Thoughts with you and be strong.:D

06-03-06, 11:40

You had a fairly traumatic experience being run over and of course you are in pain from that too. Are you on any pain-killers atall?

Try to rest as much as possible and be kind to yourself.

Things will pick up soon though it may not seem like it at the moment.

It may help if you have some company so that you can talk things over - shutting yourself away could make you feel worse.

I hope you feel better soon.


06-03-06, 12:18
hello chops,sooo sorry to here of your set back,must be devastating,BUT,you know what it is and that you can recover again,May not help nuch now i know.Please dont shut yourself away,have you a good friend to talk to who will forgive you if you are angry or snappy[i know they can be thin on the ground]if that is the case then we are all here ready to listen and console you and help to get you back on track,Read a mary weeks book to get it all back into persective.Hope this helps i little.love Mary-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ma Larkin
06-03-06, 13:47
Hi Chop, you were doing so well & then you suffered a traumatic experience. My son is 5 years old & on 20th Jan he was hit by a car, which left the scene. It was nothing my son did wrong, the accident was totally the drivers fault, my son did not walk out into the road, he was with a responsible adult & was left with a broken leg & injured foot. It might as well have happened to me Chop, I've been a mess! I received a phone call to say Kian had been run over, no details other than that. When I got to the hospital I had to be treated before they treated Kian. Full blown panic attack in front of Kian (I've always managed to shield them away from the full blown stuff), & my poor little boy was hysterical just because I was, he was fine until I got there! Each night I go to sleep having nightmares & see him lying on the pavement so helpless, I won't let him go anywhere with anyone now. He had a full leg plaster removed last Friday & now has a cast from the knee down. Even though this didn't happen to me, but to someone whom I love dearly, doesn't change the fact that I've never suffered panic like it. When you are involved in an accident I think you do have recurring thoughts/nightmares, hours of panic because you constantly think about it, how much it hurt you & also how much worse it could have been. I think its just a form of shock, but it does take time to settle down. You've been through an emotional rollercoaster with the accident & I would never have believed that shock & anxiety were so similar until the moment I got that phone call.

I would imagine you are on painkillers for your leg, I can recommend Kapake for any pain (think you need them on prescription though) & they certainly help with sleep. I really do feel for you, Kian is only 5 & all he could take was paracetamol or nurofen, apart from when it first happened & he was given morphine.

I hope your pain & anxiety settles down Chop. Its been 7 weeks now since Kian's accident, i'm still as over-protective as ever, but the sleepless nights are settling. Like I say, it didn't happen to me personally, but my kids are my world & I would have stood the pain for Kian any day.

Take care & good luck.


07-03-06, 00:31
Thanks everyone for your response.

I got something out of all of them.

Hopefully it will settle soon and les good luck with evrything too.


Learning to under react

Ma Larkin
07-03-06, 09:14
Thanks Chop, you too!
