View Full Version : abdomen bulge issue

27-09-10, 18:42
Help please,, does anyone get a bit obsessed at looking at their abdomen, a few months ago I noticed a bulge in my lower right side (next to belly button). It is hard to tell if it is actually bigger than the left. I find myself twisting and turning in different positions to see what it looks like. Should both sides be symetrical? I've not noticed it before.
At first this was not of major concern to me, but for the past few weeks I'm really worrying about bowel cancer, is this a symptom, I don't have any regular pain there just occasional sharp digs (most prob from my prodding ).
Also I am finding my lower abdomen feels very tight not painful, I have lots of wind and bowels have changed slightly, Hard at first then turning softer(sorry for detail).and i'm going twice a day instead of once.
No blood in stools. I'm 36 years old, I had bloods done about a month ago for something else all came back normal and i had a stool test, does anyone know if the check for blood when having a stool test or is it just for bacteria.... Sorry to be a pain with loads of questions but I feel I need contact with someone who knows where i'm coming from.

29-09-10, 21:09
I'm not sure what they would have tested you for I'm afraid.

I do bulge more on the right than on the left, hopefully that's normal! The doctor said everything felt fine last time she felt around my abdomen.

Your symptoms could be from anxiety and/or IBS. Have they settled at all now?


Fly away Katie
29-09-10, 22:40
We are not symmetrical. If it helps, ive just looked down at my belly.. and the right side DEFINATLEY protrudes more then the left.... Its gotta be normal.
(And im going through horrendous IBS atm) x x x x x