View Full Version : Racing Heart

27-09-10, 18:50
Here is a Question....how many people suffer a racing heart everyday with Anxitey, you may be laying down and it will race you may be standing up it will race, when i mean race i mean over 100 beats a min, also who is off balance all day, you will be standing and all off a sudden you feel like your going to fall

Hazel B
27-09-10, 18:54
Mine was racing for no obvious reason for 2 weeks, I could not stop it. Over 120 bpm and I'm normally 62 bpm.
When I finally accepted what my GP told me, that it's anxiety, I found this site and started to help myself.
Have you seen your doctor?

27-09-10, 18:56
yes ive seen my doctor i just wanted to know who else suffers like this thanks for your comment x

27-09-10, 18:57
The balance problem for me feels like the ground is moving beneath my feet. Almost like im on a cloud thats a smidgen about the ground. It makes me feel unsteady. I find its worst when im standing still, which makes standing in a queue or talking to someone impossible! The only way Ive found to get around it is to relax all of my leg muscles. I know your instinct is to clench them so that you can stay upright, but it doesnt really help.
As for the racing heart. Ive been under a lot of stress today waiting on my appointment to get my HIV test results. My heart was going bananas earlier. I was trying to read whilst lying in bed, but it was so distracting I had to stop. I dont take my pulse because it just fuels the anxiety, so im not sure how many bpm i was at. Again the only advice I can give you is to relax every muscle in your body and breathe deeply into your tummy. It takes a while, but it will eventually slow down.

Hazel B
27-09-10, 19:01
Sorry Ian, I have voted now! Missed the point at first, I'm still new to the site!

27-09-10, 19:02
Thank you for that comment, its hard to understand why our hearts race for no reason x

27-09-10, 19:03
Thats ok Hazel lol x

27-09-10, 19:07
Its not racing for no reason. Its racing because youve got adrenaline in your blood. Your body is just one huge chemical reaction.

27-09-10, 19:09
so when just laying there doing nothing relaxing it can just race?

27-09-10, 19:16
Yes because youve still got stress hormones in your system. When you go through a period of excessive anxiety your body will be producing stress hormones even when youre feeling ok. They dont just disapear, they have to be used up essentially.
My therapist described it as being anxiety sensitive. This means that your body is so geared up for anxiety, then the slightest change in chemicals will send your heart racing etc.

27-09-10, 19:17
It can race at any time. The adrenaline builds up in your system. My worse ones are when I'm panicking - then it can get up into the 160's.
Terrible, scary feeling. I try to distract myself, and then it will come back down. I also take Ativan.

27-09-10, 19:22
Vixxy thats a very good comment thank you for that x

27-09-10, 19:30
No problems. The two ways to speed up the process are
1: exercise.
2: relaxation
Either one will work. It takes time, but eventually youll notice a difference. I use progressive muscle relaxation, which has helped me soooo much!