View Full Version : hi

27-09-10, 19:02
Hi everyone

It's taken me a couple of weeks to summon the courage to pop in and say 'hi'
I suffer with GAD as well as social phobia but am also fearful of being alone...catch 22 eh? :unsure:
8years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer and went through surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. During that time, my partner died (alcohol abuse)
What followed was a mega meltdown and I had 12month's treatment for PTS
I had the support then, of my children and parents but since that time, my daughter has gone to live abroad and my son has moved away with his girlfriend (she doesn't want to get to know me so I never see them). My parents have become frail and dependant on me.
I live alone. I find it quite scary especially when it comes to fighting the night demons (i get night terrors too :scared15:)
Looking forward to meeting you. I am so relieved to find so many like minded folk...it looks like a real friendly place to be. Thanks for having me here.

Jan x

27-09-10, 19:03
Hi jada

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Hazel B
27-09-10, 19:09
Welcome, you are not alone, this is such a comforting site.

I am so sorry to read of your troubles, you are a true survivor. I think our bodies just grind us to a halt sometimes after too much tragedy and tauma.

I'm sure you won't regret joining us! x

Vanilla Sky
27-09-10, 21:42
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
27-09-10, 21:44
Hi Jan a big welcome aboard :welcome:

27-09-10, 22:20
Hey there,

Reading your story puts my woes to shame. I hope that you find peace of mind very soon xxx:hugs:

Kerry B
27-09-10, 22:30
Hi Jada

Welcome to the NMP hope you find this site as helpful as I have its been a life saver for me and have met some good friends along the way. You are never alone.

All the Best Kerry

27-09-10, 22:58
thanks so much for making me feel so welcome :)

28-09-10, 14:54
Hi Jada, hope all works itself out for you now! My future mother-in-law is currently going through chemotherapy pre radiotherapy for breast cancer, and my fiancé is a radiotherapist so know a little bit about what you went through. If you can beat cancer, you can beat anything!

28-09-10, 16:11
Cheers Guinness :)
I hope your future mum-in-law is doing ok. please pass on my best wishes and encouragement (from a fellow breast cancer survivor).

28-09-10, 17:03
No probs Jada and will do - it's the final stages of chemo and it's starting to take it's toll , but she's a strong woman with a good attitude - if there's one thing i've learnt from the whole thing - it's you girls are made of strong stuff!!!