View Full Version : advice plz xx

27-09-10, 21:19
ive been invited out tommorow havent drank for over a year now but i was wonderin whether i would be ok to im on escitralopram 20mg an diazipam 5mg wen required would i be best not drinkin ? as i have bad anxiety xx

paula lynne
27-09-10, 21:31
Hi hun, well I do know that diazepam and alcohol certainly do not mix....go without it. Try a low-alcohol drink anyway...? x

27-09-10, 21:40
if i had 1 in the morning do u think that wud be ok xx

paula lynne
27-09-10, 21:54
could you manage 2.5mg? and obviously, stick to one or two drinks xx:)

27-09-10, 23:01
i cud try if not i wont drink xx not chanceing it xx

27-09-10, 23:19
Julie...i havent had a blooming drink since june!!!!!!!!!! - i would so love a glass of wine....but i am so scared because of the meds!

grrrrrrrrrrrrr! xxxxxx let us know how you get on xxxxxx

28-09-10, 00:35
will do hun xx

28-09-10, 23:46
Do not mix alcohol and benzo's, they both act on the same part of the brain. Doing so would be dangerous.

29-09-10, 00:54
hey, personally i wud never mix meds with alcohol .. i'd jus stick with the meds as thy are whats helping you to be able to be a bit more relaxed when out , so id take that and run with it , just enjoy being out and about hun :D xx

29-09-10, 07:44
I drank alcohol when I had taken 2mg Diazepam once, and felt very very drunk and out of it (even though I had only had one drink). I have never drunk when taking it since - and I believe the pack insert tells you not to.

Kerry B
29-09-10, 10:24
Hi I have had drank alcohol while on cipralex 20mg and I was ok, but I wouldnt drink when I was taking Diazepam, so maybe the day you are going to drink don't have any Diazapam on that day. x