View Full Version : I might want to claim incapacity benefit

27-09-10, 21:52
I'm totally eligible for jsa, but I haven't claimed for ages because I hate the atmosphere in the job centre and sometimes I feel panicky, and I don't want it to be a constant issue. So maybe incapacity benefit might be the way to go. However, I don't want to act like someone who isn't capable of getting out and about, or like someone who can't work. What that means is that I'm aware that there are people who claim IB and then they're spotted dong things which they wouldn't be able to do if their claim was genuine. What I want is to have an alternative to jsa while I'm not working (although I'm doing voluntary work), and whenever I'm inbetween jobs. I want to be free to seek work and do whatever I want without feeling like someone is spying on me. I don't think it's cool to have to act like I can't do anything at all, when I can. Also, I'm sure that claiming IB will involve talking to someone and somehow demonstrating that I'm eligible, but I'd prefer if they come to me rather than me going to see them.

Is this realistic?

27-09-10, 21:58
I don't think you will be eligible for it to be honest.

27-09-10, 22:11
Why not?

27-09-10, 22:14
Because you are not incapacitated

27-09-10, 22:14
Because basically if you are able to do voluntary work, then you are capable of work, i hardly think they would allow it.

27-09-10, 22:19
Slightly off topic but I don't believe it is possible to put in a new claim for Incapacity Benefit anyway as it is being phased out, it would have to be Employment and Support Allowance.

You would have to attend for a medical as it is highly unlikely they would come and see you in normal circumstances, if you are doing voluntary work away from your home it is highly unlikely you would receive this benefit.

You would definitely not be eligible for a home visit.

27-09-10, 22:19
What about "permitted work"? There's a certain amount of paid work that you can do, so surely voluntary work souldn't be a problem.

27-09-10, 22:21
This link may help you understand Leafar www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/incapacity-benefit (http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/incapacity-benefit) sue

27-09-10, 22:22
I have agoraphobia and CAN'T work. I would love to go out to work again but unfortunately that's not an option for me at the moment.

I am currently on work and support benefit and i have to fight to be on that. Going to tribunal because they are questioning whether i can go out to work or not.

You can't pick and choose what benefit you recieve going which mood you are in is so rediculous so no, you won't get it.


27-09-10, 22:22
incapacity benefit is for those who cannot work, however you can, i'm sure alot of our members would be thankful to get out the front door, let alone work, as an agoraphobic i find you wanting to claim pretty annoying to be honest.

27-09-10, 22:25
Our Government is trying to cut back on Benefits and reform the benefit system .Many people who are physically &Mentally unable to work have had their benefits stopped .This is down mainly to people abusing the system for years .As per usual the deserving are left to pay the price for the scroungers of our society . Sue :lac:

27-09-10, 22:26
incapacity benefit is for those who cannot work, however you can, i'm sure alot of our members would be thankful to get out the front door, let alone work, as an agoraphobic i find you wanting to claim pretty annoying to be honest.

Thanks for your understanding.

27-09-10, 22:30
I find the whole system very frustrating as I have two crohnic illnesses - heart failure and Crohn's disease and I cannot get any benefits as Alex works so he has to pay to look after me as well. I work part time and I am lucky in that work have a very good insurance policy and they pay me some form of sick benefit for the time I am unable to work due to the illnesses.

So don't get me started on the fairness of it all cos it pees me off big time :mad:

27-09-10, 22:43
...I cannot get any benefits as Alex works so he has to pay to look after me as well. I work part time and I am lucky in that work have a very good insurance policy and they pay me some form of sick benefit for the time I am unable to work due to the illnesses.

That's not fair at all - sort of like when I came home from uni over the summer, the council warned me if I got part time work my mum's benefits would be cut as I'd be classed as a fully independant adult.. I'd have to travel 30 miles to work - £10 a day on buses as I cant afford driving lessons - which if I worked 5 days a week would be £50. I'd then have to give most of the remainder to my mum to make up for losing benefits (both her and my wee sister are disabled, dad couldn't cope and left long ago). It seems daft tbh. What always upsets me is the fact that you see families with lots of children and with more money than sense; yet genuine people always struggle (trust me, I've lived on the poverty line as a kid!)... I hope you get it sorted NIc as that seems really unfair.

27-09-10, 22:44
im agriphobic, housebound and i too cant claim a penny even though i worked partime for years as i had kids and couldnt do full time.....
so because ive niot paid any stamp im not entitled?? but if i was under 25 and not paid stamp i could??? very unfair.

27-09-10, 22:44
Aww daisy,

How very unfair, poor you. it is absolutely terrible this system we have.

di x

27-09-10, 23:07
I must admit I'm torn here, I understand what everyone is saying you shouldn't be able to choose a benefit. I was unable to work for 3 years due to anxiety and would have given anything at the time to work. However I then started to get better and started getting out and about a bit more, when someone kindly reported me for fraud. Nothing came of it, but it seriously knocked my confidence, feeling like I was cheating the system when in reality I was just in recovery. (at that time I would have been in no way fit for employment) I can see what leafar is saying unless I'm reading it wrong is there should be some midway ground. I was luckily on benefits, but if I had needed to start a claim I like leafar probably would have been stuck? Am I reading this wrong or does anyone see where I'm coming from, my heads a bit fuzzy at the mo :)

27-09-10, 23:13
This is always an emotive subject, however in answer to your query about permitted work I have found this.


As I said earlier I believe IB is being phased out and no new claims are being taken, the benefit replacing it will be ESA.

There is plenty of information about this benefit in the link.

27-09-10, 23:17
Thats a fab link ange and a useful one too for members.

27-09-10, 23:19
Thanks Ange - very interesting and so was Sue's link.

I still think it is unfair that if you have a partner they are expected to pay for you as well.

I would be better off leaving Alex - shh don't tell him that :whistles:

27-09-10, 23:28
Makes me think that s why people dont live together legally ..Its the same when your married .If you havnt worked full time you dont get jack s**t .AND DONT GET ME STARTED ABOUT CARING FOR family /relatives .pffft Bloomin system gets more complicated each time they change things .Dont know who they are trying to help ,but its not the people they should be half the time .:mad: .Rant over :blush: haha sue x

27-09-10, 23:30
Umm, am I being a bit thick here as I have read COUNTLESS tabloid stories of people claiming incapacity benefits due to suffering apparent depression.

So how is it some people here are claiming you can't claim if you are not truly incapacitated when clearly on that basis these people whould be classed as mobile and not physically incapacitated?

I do not agree that mental illness should be treated as any less incapacitating than a physical illness if it can be fully proven so.:mad:

27-09-10, 23:33
I don't understand it either Debs. I just know that when I called them to ask about claiming due to the illnesses that I have - which are obviously physical ones - they said that as I had a partner working I was entitled to nowt!

27-09-10, 23:37
It makes my blood boil too Nic.

The whole system is up **** creek without a paddle and has been for years.

People who should get don't, and all the wrong people do in my estimation.:mad:

27-09-10, 23:39
Totally understand Nicola, my mum is the same, she has severe anxiety and depression along with heart problems and severe arthritis, yet as my step dad works she isn't entitled to a penny, they're racking up debt everyday and there's no one to help. As always this government is unjust, or as Sue put it, they really don't know who they're trying to help! It's all so unfair!

27-09-10, 23:48
Yes that's exactly what I'm saying gemstar (what you said on the last page). My issue with anxiety is just enough to affect me sometimes, and certainly enough to make me freak out at the job centre, but not bad enough to actually stop me from working (although it's always a bit tricky at first). That's why I say that I'm just looking fn alternative to jsa, but without having to unnecessarily label myself as being any worse than I am, or having to watch my every move in case some council snoop is spying on me. I could do with the help but I don't want to put on an act.

27-09-10, 23:59
I don't know very much about it but could some of you maybe get DLA? I think it applies to both mental and physical problems - both my mam and sister are on highest care, mam takes seizures and has anxiety/asthma/anaemia/IBS, sister's autistic plus multiple learning difficulties... I think the forms can be a bit long and drawn out but if it helps? My mam said when she applied for both she was told write the worst case scenario and things like that which generally helps.. I dont think DLA is means tested either. I don't know much about IB/JSA at all though, other than my mam's friend's on IB (she suffers severe depression) and they've basically told her either she gets back to work or they'll make it very hard for her moneywise. Not really fair at all!

28-09-10, 00:03
I honestly dont think there is any different kind of benefit that you would be eligible to claim Leafar .Have you disscussed with the jobcentre any possibility of them finding you a job you could perhaps do at home ? There are plenty of companys even the Nhs who employ people to do work via the internet and Telephone .Maybe its worth looking into ? Our benefit system leaves a lot to be desired and can be a very lengthy process of interviews form filling etc .Most of the time its not worth the effort .I think thats why they have made it so hard to be perfectly honest .Even a lot of the old aged pensioners of the country arnt getting what they are entitled to because of this .They dont bother because its confusing .They give in one hand and take out of the other in some cases .You need a pretty good knowledge of the system to be able to work it out ... sue

28-09-10, 00:07
I honestly dont think there is any different kind of benefit that you would be eligible to claim Leafar .Have you disscussed with the jobcentre any possibility of them finding you a job you could perhaps do at home ? There are plenty of companys even the Nhs who employ people to do work via the internet and Telephone .Maybe its worth looking into ? Our benefit system leaves a lot to be desired and can be a very lengthy process of interviews form filling etc .Most of the time its not worth the effort .I think thats why they have made it so hard to be perfectly honest .Even a lot of the old aged pensioners of the country arnt getting what they are entitled to because of this .They dont bother because its confusing .They give in one hand and take out of the other in some cases .You need a pretty good knowledge of the system to be able to work it out ... sue

No I haven't spoken to anyone about it, I literally had the idea just a couple of days ago. As for working at home I'd be very interested in that, but whenever I look into it all I come acrooss is scams.

28-09-10, 00:11
I have an email address somewhere its legit ,I will pm it to you tommorow .Ask about it at the job centre .They might have some knowledge about it and or information .Especially if you explain your problems .Sue

28-09-10, 00:12

28-09-10, 23:30
The Benefits system is a nightmare. I have a son who suffers from a chronic genetic lung disease, treatment similar to cystic fibrosis, and also has epilepsy. He has been refused Disability Living Allowance. It's so unfair.